Your Happiness, My Pain

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It hurt like a salted wound
But big girls don't cry. We just shrink within ourselves like,
the folds in my belly.
I wanted to scream like
Noctilio leporinus yet remained as
mute as a giraffe

He told me touching his hair was as forbidden as graffiti in the burbs
Yet she turned it black!
The black in me that I constantly had to correct with, bleach, because I was too black!
I cooed myself to sleep whilst he
laid on her belly adoring his
universe trapped in his world
I bite my teeth in her memory
he never cared that's why he beat.
us to a pulp...

She was still when she was born,
my world went still...
and he still didn't care...

I'm mirthless and his face brightens with impish glee
It feels like salt being rubbed to my wounds
It burns,
it's betrayal
I'm anguished
I'm salted
I will heal

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