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The sky looked so scary
The different cloud levels took chance clouding the moonlight
But non faster than the urban pocket
The smoke swerved through
The terrible wind it descented
Shivered me
Everything moves and changes in seconds, if you are too fixated on the moon you might miss Venus glaring through the canopy
At times it cleared and the moon made love to my eyes
a second later it was completely dark

The trees wiggled like Iggy's butt and bent over like a stripper picking them dollars
The rhythm of the city lights choreography slowed to let it glide
It rised like the voices at stones
On a thursday night
Our delight scared me
The pollution in the air made me feel like lungs deserved to be consoled
The sky was black!
It was nothing like the menalin on my sister but the fear on my forefathers when the western took what was theirs
Cry lone cries
And your diaphragm weeps
And your intercoastal muscles bawl out for each inhale is treacherous

But yeah, burn that coal!

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