Silly Boy

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I knew you well, like pirates know the seven seas
And I searched for your heart like lost gold, hoping I would find it mummified, preserved for thy hands
But what I found was a robbed tomb!
I sank deeper and deeper into the blues

My heartbeat only got louder and faster
You were only a 19 year old boy-king like Tutankhamon yet you are the one the heart knows most
The more you didn't want me the more my ferocity grew like the velocity of a tsunami on land
Silly boy, why didn't you accept my generosity
And loved me back
Instead you let curiosity get the best of you and climbed into her bed
Look, what you made me do.
Now you climbed into your casket prematurely

Didn't they tell you I'm a Pharoah?
You were as flattering as the skirt on my hips and now you are as dead, as dead
Silly boy, look what you made me do!

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