When The Deep End, Has A Deep End

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She's a lone star
And shines as bright as venus on an April night
I thread softly around her because her fright might get between
She still doesn't believe
Men and women can have as strong a connection as the earth and the sun
She doesn't believe I could brighten her days, keep her close and safe
Because the men before me were nothing like the sol
She's the equator and I a ball hot for her, guaranteed to keep her blossoming, all her days

I'm not trash, I am her penicillin
But she would rather wash my mould clean rather than have it heal her
He took pieces of her.
She fails to see that I don't have the pieces she still possess but have the ones she lost
She fails to see that we complete each other's puzzles.
She's so messed up that completing us might light years
But she's my lone star, so I still wish upon her

Behind Her EyesOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora