She's A 3-lettered Word That Inherits 4

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He was my life but he never stayed it, instead he gave me a disease that will claim my life.
For life!
He was a commas-splice, supposed to be permanent but instead he was a pause, putting a full stop to our alone time.
Now I'm crying with her all, because he couldn't stop his prying eyes
All because I didn't want to disappoint him!
Look who's let down now!
That night lingers on my mind like the last piano note
He claimed me, claimed me!
I mean played me, played me!
Then she claimed me
We were of the finest Iron, the first of its kind to my heart, like titanic on the waters
Fuck, that sank too
What was I thinking?

I told her to forget but she has her own mind
My memory remembers the good times
I told her he forged them
But she'd rather taunt me and haunt me instead

No, I'm never lonely
She's always there
in my blood weakening me to invite more friends
She's lovely, isn't she?
I just met her but we are already engaged-to be married
Miss Me with her HIV AIDS
I don't think she loves me though.
Why else would she let my guard down only to have somebody else sweep me off my feet.
we have a blood bond, so I take drugs to numb her abuse, but one day she will marry me
And I can't say no
To think it's him I wanted forever but he gave me her instead!

I want to miss him but she won't let me
She gives me anxiety, she kills me!
If only I could go back to that night, take the rubber maybe that would of rubbed her out of my life
But he wanted to feel the real me,
I mean leave me with a curse.

She knows no goodbyes.
Forgive me, for letting them in
And breaking our hymen
The hymen was screaming 'hey men'
The 'hey-men' was actually an amen, the end of us!
Really, it's her fault!
How could he have missed our innocence when she was yelling 'hey'.
What she was really saying, was hey to her.
He knew about her and didn't tell us
He cheat us of hairless life
I meant her-less life!
Her friend cervix cancer later, joined the party!
Kicking her out cost us of our hair
He didn't even say sorry...

Memory holds him, because we loved him even when we found out about her.
Memory holds him, because other hands don't want to hold ours and create new memories,
cause what's in our blood is for life and no love can match that commitment!
She holds him, cause we can't forgive him!
Because we are angry with us!
'We should of been more careful, because we know better'
The mind can't remember to forget that.
Memory won't let me forget that, no matter how much we slit our wrists,
She's here to stay!
She's a dictator that just won't accept a split.

Him leaving was the rain and her arrival the snow, as cold as ice!
She froze all the germination we were doing.
Unlike snow she doesn't appear on our outside but as soon as people hear of her coldness
They catch the next flight out of our life
She's turned everyday of our life into a fight
She's like aldosterone a flight and fight agent
We still wish his testosterone had been lower that night and that we'd played video games instead.

I know she's from him cause they wear the same cologne,
"The death of me"
I wish we could live in harmony like the birds in the air
But she'd rather beat me, something he used to do.
Now, I know they are related cause they both make me bleed.
Wait no I bleed her, she's my bleed.

I loved him on purpose and him bringing her was no mistake either.
She creeped in our clit and and made us and sex not click anymore.
She stole our pleasure!
Sometimes, I just want to be without her but she always wants to tango.
Memory wears too much hair product and one day her hair line will fade away with him and she will learn to live with her
But today we just hate them.

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