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And there she was, the mouse trap
Pregnant and alone, we figured she felt August thus moody
Her condition allowed the swings
May I please have something to eat?
And that was the smell of cheese becoming resistant to our decline
We will buy you something, we agreed in goodwill
She returned to August and we waited for our order, and that ordered our attack

The city lights took the nightshift
As the plastics outside began rattling
The air reeked of danger, it was the life in her I was concerned about
I handed her the food as we proceeded to walk away
Could we also have a cold drink, 2 men standing parallel to her asked
My guard armed up as my mind calculated us as the cities next victims
Screams choked me as images of dead, raped women raced through, the sound of gun shots blast out in symphony
And gushing blood was first chair leading into a ballad
Walk fast, don't speak and stay among the crowd we instructed each other and held hands
Open a flight distance between you and them the next instruction followed
Failure to do so we threw ourselves in the middle of the road to distract them but they followed in pursuit
The bells honked in annoyance as more cars threatened to take us out
None of them seeing the danger the two young girls walking alone tried to avert

They walked in front of us and stopped at a corner, realizing they'd lost advantage
Instinct changed our direction as we started retreating back until there were people besides us as distractions
We turned and saw fellow students overpopulating the streets
Yes numbers, my mind rejoiced, now enter the building with swift the next instruction came
We obeyed, told our manager and stepped out with security as the two strange men continued circling the entrance awaiting us
More security arrived causing a retreat
That pregnant bitch was the bait to get us hooked, it all started to add up

In the city of lights don't help one in need because the darkness that loams is grander
Helping is equalivent to a lone gazelle and the predators are always creeping to attack
Camouflaged by dressing like normal civilians
She purred like a house cat but that bitch was king eyeing our lives
The cars that horned in annoyance all played pretence
Well, they were only following the rules never help others in the jungle or risk getting eaten
We never help and that's why so many bodies drop dead
That's why so many young women are held as sex slaves in that abundant building next to yours
That's why their blood canvas these streets like it were paint
And their cries against rape our anthem
But yes, never help anyone

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