Just Like That

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He smelt like 'exclamation' only I use 'oh so heavenly'

I demanded an explanation for the lipstick smudge on his shirt

He said he doesn't answer to me

I smashed the plate on the floor and stormed to our bedroom

He unhinged the door open and dragged me off the bed, grabbed me by my shirt and I came face to face with his drunken eyes

He punched me and I kissed the floor

I rose up, swallowed the tears and intended on walking away

'where do you think you are going, you lil bitch'
He choked me
'You think you are better than me huh? '

I flapped my hands against his to loosen his grip off my throat, like a featherless bird

I whimpered and he stared at me cold until I went cold

It was an ACCIDENT he cried out
Cried out, something I will never be able to do again

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