When The Blues Turn Pink

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I woke up feeling the blues but not the usual type were suicide hugs me and depression grins at me like we had a till death do us apart vow
Where insanity hangs on to me like a villains cloak
Where my emotions are as wigglely as a wizards wand
Bibbly bubbly boo! Abracadabra!
How I wish life was magic

I went back to when I was 7 and I drew on my grandmother's walls
Back when I was 11 and would draw anything and in my mind it would be
To when I was 12 and words jumped from the tip of my tongue and did the tango with my pen on paper
To when I was 14 and I forgot my words on stage
To how the stage appeared to be honored to have me perform a monologue on it, when I was 16

Then back to the gloomy 2 years I prayed for death yet yearned to live
To the now where self harm is as unthinkable as breathing
To the days I would lay on my back and search for the reason I was on earth and felt that it was trison for me to waste precious oxygen by breathing only to die less worthless than Germany's currency during the great depression
I woke up feeling blue, wondering where between living and breathing I lost myself

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