The Alola Region

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After traveling through hyperspace, Clone force 99 arrived in the Alola Region.

Alright, we have arrived in the Alola Region, Tech said as he turned off the engine.

Woah, there's a bunch of Pokémon outside, Omega said with excitement.

Yeah, I can tell that your excited Omega, Hunter said happily.

Yeah, I'm excited to catch my own Pokémon, Omega said happily.

Alright, let's go, Hunter said as he grabbed some poke balls.

Hey guys, I caught a Machamp, Wrecker said happily.

That's great Wrecker, I caught a Riolu, Omega said happily.

Nice, Wrecker said happily.

After catching a couple of Pokémon, Hunter saw a legendary Pokémon flying in the sky.

Woah, what's that Pokémon?, Hunter said confusedly.

I believe that it's a Galarian Moltres, Tech said as he showed Hunter the Pokédex.

Woah, it's incredible, Omega said with amazement.

I'm going to catch it, Hunter said as he threw the master ball at the Galarian Moltres.

After a while, Hunter caught the Galarian Moltres.

Nice, Wrecker said as he put his hand on Hunter's shoulder.

Thanks, Hunter said happily.

I suggest that we should make camp for the evening, Tech said as he and his Luxray worked on the ship.

Yeah, I'm tired from a long day, Hunter said as he sat next to Wrecker.

After a long night, morning soon approached and Omega woke up to tickets for a luxury liner.

Guys, what are these tickets doing here?, Omega said confusedly.

I don't know, Tech, can you find out what these tickets are for?, Hunter said as Gible sat on his shoulder.

I'm on it, Tech said as he analyzed the tickets on the ship's database.

I wonder what the tickets are for, Omega said as she fed Riolu.

Yeah, I saw words on there that said luxury liner, Hunter said as he fed Gible.

What does that mean?, Echo said confusedly.

I don't know, but Tech is analyzing the tickets, Hunter said as he watched the Pokémon play with each other.

After a while, Tech finished analyzing the tickets.

What do the tickets say Tech?, Hunter said confusedly.

I believe that they're for a ship called the Titanic, Tech said as he showed the rest of Clone force 99.

Where is it going?, Omega said confusedly.

It's heading to New York City, Tech said as he showed Omega.

Let's go, Hunter said happily.

I'm excited, Omega said as she held Hunter's hand.

Alright, Tech, set a course for Southampton, Hunter said as he sat in the co-pilot chair.

I'm on it, Tech said as he powered up the ship and went into hyperspace.

After a Pokémon adventure, the bad batch set a course for Southampton, unbeknownst to them, this will be Titanic's first and only voyage.

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