Omega Gets Sick

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It was early in the morning, Hunter noticed that Omega was still sleeping.

Tech?, Hunter said as he entered the cockpit.

Yeah?, Tech said as he sat in the pilot chair.

Omega is still sleeping and I'm worried, Hunter said with concern.

Ok, I'll go and check on her, Tech said as he put a hand on Hunter's shoulder.

*Ugh,* Tech, I don't *coughs,* feel good, Omega said weakly.

Shh, it's going to be ok Omega, Tech said as he put a cool washcloth on her forehead.

*Coughs,* Omega said as she groaned.

Shh, I'm here Omega, Tech said with a soothing voice.

After a while, Hunter walked over to where Omega was.

*Ugh,* Hunter?, Omega said weakly.

Shh, I'm here ad'ika, Hunter said with a soothing voice.

*Coughs,* I don't feel good, Omega said weakly.

I know ad'ika, Tech is preparing medicine that will help you get better, Hunter said with a soothing voice.

After a while, Tech gave Omega a glass of water to wash down the pills.

Thanks, Omega said weakly.

You're welcome, Tech said happily.

You need to get some rest Omega, Hunter said with a soothing voice.

Can you stay with me?, Omega said weakly.

Sure ad'ika, Hunter said as he laid down next to Omega.

After a while, Hunter woke up and noticed that Omega was still sleeping.

Is she still sleeping?, Crosshair said confusedly.

Yeah, she's recovering from being sick, Hunter said with a sigh of relief.

I'm glad that she's going to be ok, Crosshair said as he sat next to Hunter.

Hunter?, Omega said as her voice was still sore from coughing.

What's wrong Omega?, Hunter said with concern.

My throat hurts, Omega said as she coughed.

Shh, it's going to be ok ad'ika, Hunter said as he gave her some water to drink.

*Coughs,* t-thanks, Omega said weakly.

You're welcome, Hunter said as he rubbed her back.

Hunter, what's wrong?, Echo said with concern.

*Sighs,* Omega told me that her throat hurts, Hunter said sadly.

I have something that helps with a sore throat, Echo said as he handed Hunter some medicine.

Thanks, Hunter said happily.

You're welcome, Echo said as he put a hand on his shoulder.

Here Omega, take this medicine, it will help your throat, Hunter said with a soothing voice.

Thanks, Omega said as she took a sip of the medicine.

You're welcome ad'ika, Hunter said happily.

After a long day, Hunter is glad that Omega is going to be ok.

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