Southampton And The Death Of Titanic

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After traveling through hyperspace, the bad batch arrive at Southampton.

Woah, Omega said with amazement.

So this is the Titanic?, Hunter said as Gible sat on his shoulder.

Yeah, and is it supposed to be "unsinkable?," Echo said confusedly.

It's the ship's first voyage, we won't know until we get to New York City, Tech said as he put a hand on Echo's shoulder.

You're right, let's go, Echo said as he walked up the ramp to the first class door.

After a while, the Titanic left Southampton and the bad batch went to the cafe to get some lunch.

This food is good, Omega said happily.

I'm glad that you like it Omega, Hunter said happily.

Tech, can you tell how fast the Titanic is going?, Wrecker said as he sat next to Echo.

Yeah, it's going at a speed of 19 knots right now because we're not at sea yet, Tech said as he explained it.

That makes sense, Hunter said as he took a sip of his drink.

After four days at sea, Titanic is about to collide with the infamous iceberg and unbeknownst to the bad batch, the ship just sealed its fate.

*Yawns,* I'm going to bed guys, Hunter said tiredly.

Goodnight Hunter, Rex said happily.

Goodnight Rex, wake me up if something happens, Hunter said as he fell asleep next to Omega.

Ok, Rex said as he sat in a chair.

hearing the ship's whistles is comforting, Wrecker said happily.

Yeah, I like hearing it too, Echo said happily.

After a while, Rex heard a sound and woke Hunter.

What is it Rex?, Hunter said confusedly.

I think the ship struck an iceberg, Rex said with concern.

Ok, guys get up, Hunter said as Gible sat on his shoulder.

What's wrong Hunter?, Wrecker said confusedly.

The ship hit an iceberg, we need to get to a lifeboat, Hunter said with concern.

Ok, let's go, Tech said as he lead the way.

After a while, the ship started to sink faster and Hunter fell into the lifeboat and broke his leg.

Hunter, are you ok?, Echo said with concern.

No, I think my leg is broken, Hunter said as he coughed.

Don't worry Hunter, I'll put a splint on your leg until I put a cast on it, Tech said as he put it on.

Thanks Tech, Hunter said weakly.

You're welcome, Tech said as he sat next to him.

After a while, the ship disappeared beneath the waves, and Hunter's leg is getting worse.

Echo?, Omega said with concern.

What's wrong Omega?, Echo said as he sat next to her.

Is Hunter going to be ok?, Omega said as she tried to keep herself warm.

Don't worry Omega, Hunter is going to be ok, Echo said as he reassured her.

After a while, the Carpathia showed up and the bad batch climbed onboard and after they did, Omega passed out.

Tech, Omega passed out, Echo said with concern.

Don't worry, she'll be ok, Tech said as he put a cast on Hunter's leg.

Thanks Tech, what happened to Omega?, Hunter said with concern.

She passed out from the cold air and exhaustion, Tech said as he put a hand on his shoulder.

After two days, the bad batch arrive in New York City and Hunter still feels the pain in his leg.

Hunter, are you ok?, Echo said with concern.

Yeah, I just need to get back to the ship and rest.

After a tragic voyage, the bad batch head back to their ship along with Rex and figure out their next move.

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