Atlanta And The CDC

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It was early in the morning, Tech was flying the Havoc Maurader to a city called Atlanta, unbeknownst to him and the rest of the Bad batch, the city has a zombie apocalypse.

Tech, how much longer until we reach Atlanta?, Hunter said as he put a hand on the pilot chair.

Not much longer Sarge, Tech said as he piloted his ship.

It's about time, Crosshair said as he stood next to Hunter.

I knew you would say that Crosshair, Wrecker said as he chuckled.

You're just saying that because I need a new scope for my rifle, Crosshair said as he rolled his eyes.

Buir?, Omega said confusedly.

What is it ad'ika?, Hunter said confusedly.

Are you sure this place is the one that Cid told us about?, Omega said confusedly.

Yes ad'ika, this is the place that Cid wanted us to gather supplies from, Hunter said with a soothing voice.

Ok, Omega said as she got her bow ready.

Hunter, we have a problem, Tech said as he told him.

What is it Tech?, Hunter said confusedly.

I do not see any life forms in Atlanta, Tech said as he pressed some switches.

Scan again, we need to find our contact, Hunter commanded.

You got it Sarge, Tech said as he scanned again.

Hunter?, Crosshair said confusedly.

Yeah?, Hunter said confusedly.

Do you smell that?, Crosshair said as he covered his nose.

Yeah, what is that smell?, Hunter said as he started coughing because of his heightened senses.

*Coughs,* Hunter said as he put a cloth over his nose.

Cyar'ika, are you ok?, Sapphire said with concern

Yeah, it's just the smell of blood and rotten flesh, Hunter said as she coughed.

I smell it too, what is that smell?, Sapphire said as she covered her nose.

I don't know, Hunter said as he coughed.

It's ok Hunter, just breathe, Sapphire said with a soothing voice.

*Coughs,* Hunter said as he took a deep breath.

There you go my cyar'ika, Sapphire said with a soothing voice.

We're here Sarge, Tech said as he landed the Havoc Maurader.

Wrecker, be careful don't make anything mad, Crosshair said as he put on his helmet.

Woah, what happened here?, Echo said confusedly.

I don't know, whatever it was, it doesn't look good, Jesse said as he held his blaster.

After a while they arrived at a hospital.

Omega, don't look ad'ika, Hunter said as he told her.

What happened here?, Echo said as he covered his nose.

I don't know Echo, let's just get inside and get what we need and then head to the CDC, Hunter said as he told everyone.

You got it Sarge, Echo said as he entered the hospital.

*Coughs,* Sapphire said as she covered her nose.

Sapphire, what's wrong cyar'ika?, Hunter said with concern.

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