Jurassic World Dominon

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It was early in the morning, Tech was making sure that the Havoc Marauder was working properly when suddenly there was something on his data pad.

What in the force is that?, Tech said as he looked at his data pad.

What's going on Tech?, Crosshair said confusedly.

Look at the broadcast on my data pad, Tech said as he handed it to Crosshair.

What is that thing?, Crosshair said confusedly.

I don't know, but I think Rex would know what it was, follow me, Tech said as he led the way.

In the common area, Hunter was feeding his baby Raptor Blue.

That raptor has the same appetite as you Wrecker, Echo said as he chuckled.

You got that right, Wrecker said as he chuckled.

You're always hungry Wrecker, Jesse said as he chuckled.

Hunter sensed Tech and Crosshair entering the room.

What is it you two?, Hunter said confusedly.

We need to talk to Rex, it's important Sarge, Tech said as he told him.

Ok, go ahead, Hunter said as he sat down.

Hello boys, what can I do for you?, Rex said as he put his coffee down on the table.

Rex, we need your help identifying what this is, Tech said as he handed him his data pad.

Hm, this must be the T-Rex from Isla Nublar, Rex said as he told them.

You mean the dinosaur that almost killed me, you, and Fives?, Echo said confusedly.

Yeah, it's somewhere on Ord Mantell, Rex said as he told them.

How did it end up on Ord Mantell?, Sapphire said confusedly.

I don't know cyar'ika, Hunter said as he held her hand.

After a while they went to Cid's parlor.

There you are bandanna, here's a mission for you, the dinosaurs of Isla Nublar need to be relocated to Isla Sorna, Cid said as she told Hunter.

Why, what's wrong with Isla Nublar?, Hunter said confusedly.

The volcano that was thought to be dormant, is starting to erupt, Cid said as she told the Bad Batch.

Why didn't you tell us this earlier?, Hunter said as he was getting annoyed.

Because I didn't want to worry you and your girlfriend bandanna since she's still sick from your last mission, Cid said as she crossed her arms.

You don't need to remind me, I thought I was going to lose her, Hunter said as he was getting agitated.

Relax bandanna, just do this mission and then I'll give you and your squad a couple of days to rest and relax, Cid said as she told Hunter.

Alright, let's go back to the Marauder and come up with a plan to get all these dinosaurs into their cages, Hunter said as he told his squad.

You don't have to tell me twice Sarge, Wrecker said as he ran back to the Marauder.

Sapphire was heard coughing*

Hunter walked onto the Marauder and immediately went to go check on Sapphire*

Hey cyar'ika, how are you feeling?, Hunter said with a soothing voice.

Not good....., I feel dizzy and nauseous..., Sapphire said as she coughed.

Tech, do we have any medicine for nausea?, Hunter said as he asked him.

Yeah, I'll go get it, Tech said as he walked over to his bunk.

Sapphire coughed*

Shh, it's going to be ok cyar'ika, Hunter said with a soothing voice.

I can lead the mission if you want to stay here with your girlfriend Hunter, Rex said as he told him.

Thank you Rex, I appreciate it, Hunter said as he put a cool washcloth on Sapphire's forehead.

You're welcome Hunter, feel better Sapphire, Rex said happily.

Thank you Rex, Sapphire said as she smiled weakly.

After Rex and the others left fro to go on the mission, Crosshair decided to stay on the Marauder and help Hunter with Sapphire*

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⏰ Last updated: 34 minutes ago ⏰

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