Hunter's Sickness

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It was early in the morning and Hunter is still asleep which is making Omega worry.

Uncle Echo?, Omega said with concern.

What's wrong Omega?, Echo said with concern.

Hunter is still sleeping and I'm worried about him, Omega said sadly.

I'll go check on him, Echo said as he left the cockpit.

Ugh....*coughs,* E-Echo?, Hunter said weakly.

I'm here Hunter, are you feeling ok?, Echo said with concern.

N-No, *coughs,* Hunter said as he felt dizzy due to his heightened senses.

Tech, get in here, Echo said with concern.

What's wrong Echo?, Tech said as he adjusted his goggles.

It's Hunter, he's sick, Echo said with concern.

Ugh....T-Tech?, Hunter said as he coughed.

Shh, I'm here Hunter, Tech said as he put a cool washcloth on his forehead to help with his heightened senses.

Ugh.... my head, Hunter said as he went into a coughing fit.

Easy Hunter, it's going to be ok brother, Crosshair said as he gave him a glass of water and held his hand.

C-Crosshair?, Hunter said weakly.

Shhh, I'm here brother, Crosshair said with a soothing voice.

*Coughs,* Hunter said as he felt the pain in his head due to his heightened senses.

It's going to be ok Hunter, Crosshair said with a soothing voice.

T-Thank you for being here brother, Hunter said as he held his hand.

You're welcome Hunter, me and the rest of our family will always be here for you, Crosshair said as he held his hand.

After a while, Sapphire returned to the Marauder*

Hey cyar'ika, Sapphire said with a soothing voice.

Hey, Hunter said weakly.

Not feeling good?, Sapphire said with concern.

Yeah...*coughs,* Hunter said as he felt the pain in his head due to his heightened senses.

Shh, I'm here my love, Sapphire said as she put an ice pack on a cool washcloth and put it on his forehead.

In the cockpit, Wrecker noticed that Omega wasn't saying a word*

Omega, what's wrong?, Wrecker said with concern.

Hunter is not feeling good, Omega said sadly.

He's going to be ok Omega, he's been through worse situations, Wrecker said as he picked her up.

*Giggles,* Omega said as she laughed.

*Chuckles,* Wrecker said happily.

You two sound like Pokémon in here, Echo said as he entered the cockpit of the Marauder.

Really?, Wrecker said confusedly.

Yeah, you sound like a Pokémon called Machamp, Echo said as he sat down.

What Pokémon did I sound like?, Omega said happily.

You sounded like a Scorbunny, Echo said as he ruffled her hair.

*Giggles,* Omega said happily.

Ok, what's all the commotion about?, Rex said as he entered the cockpit.

These two were acting like Pokémon, Echo said as he chuckled.

Hey, it was fun, Wrecker said as he relaxed in the chair.

*Chuckles,* Echo said as he sat down in his chair.

After a while, Sapphire and Hunter entered the cockpit.

Hey Sarge, are you feeling better?, Wrecker said happily.

Yeah, I'm feeling better, Hunter said as he ruffled Omega's hair.

Omega held Hunter's hand*

Hunter smiled*

After recovering from the sickness, Hunter is feeling better and Omega is glad that he's going to be ok.

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