The Sinking Of The Britannic

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It was early in the morning, and Hunter heard an explosion.

Hunter, what was that?, Echo said with concern.

It was an underwater mine, Hunter said as he held Omega in his arms.

We need to get to the boat deck, Tech said as he told the rest of the Bad batch.

After a while, they made it to the boat deck when suddenly, the ship started to sink faster which made Echo fall into a lifeboat and break his leg.

*Echo!,* Hunter said as he boarded the lifeboat.

*Coughs,* H-Hunter, Echo said weakly.

Shh, I'm here brother, Hunter said with a soothing voice.

After a while, Rex boarded the lifeboat and saw Echo.

Echo, are you ok?, Rex said with concern.

*Coughs,* no, I don't feel good, Echo said as he winced in pain.

Here, let me put this bacta patch on your leg, Hunter said with a soothing voice.

*Agh,* Echo said as he winced in pain.

I know brother, Hunter said with concern.

After a while, Hunter finished wrapping the bandages on Echo's leg.

*Ugh,* Hunter, I don't feel good, Echo said as he felt lightheaded and passed out.

Tech?, Hunter said with concern.

Yeah?, Tech said with concern.

It's Echo, he passed out, Hunter said sadly.

Echo....please be ok, Omega said as she ran into Wrecker's arms and cried.

Shh, it's going to be ok Omega, we're going back to the Marauder, Wrecker said with a soothing voice.

After a while, Hunter found Omega in the cockpit with Tech.

Hey ad'ika, Hunter said as he put a hand on her shoulder.

Hey, Omega said sadly.

What's wrong?, Hunter said with concern.

I'm worried about Echo, Omega said sadly.

I know sweetheart, I'm worried about him too, Hunter said as he kissed Omega's forehead.

After a while, Rex noticed that Echo was waking up.

*Ugh,* Rex?, Echo said weakly.

I'm here brother, Rex said with a soothing voice.

*Coughs,* where are we?, Echo said weakly.

We're on the Maurader, Rex said as he put a washcloth on his forehead.

*Agh,* Echo said as he felt the pain in his leg.

Shh, it's going to be ok brother, Rex said with a soothing voice.

W-Where's everyone else?, Echo said as he coughed.

We're here Echo, Hunter said with a soothing voice.

*Ugh,* what happened to the Britannic?, Echo said weakly.

It sank to the bottom of the Aegean Sea, Hunter said as he explained it.

At least we killed the German spies, Echo said weakly.

Yeah, I'm glad that we did that, Hunter said happily.

Uhm guys?, Crosshair said with a concerned look on his face.

What is it Crosshair?, Tech said confusedly.

It's about the....Carpathia, Crosshair said sadly.

What happened?, Hunter said as he sat next to Crosshair.

It was....torpedoed, it's....gone, Crosshair said sadly.

What's gone?, Wrecker said confusedly.

*Sighs,* the Carpathia was torpedoed Wrecker, it' the bottom of the North Atlantic Ocean, Hunter said sadly.

When did this happen?, Wrecker said sadly.

It happened a couple of days ago, Hunter said as he put a hand on Wrecker's shoulder.

I can't believe it, the ship that rescued us after the Titanic sank, is....gone, Wrecker said as he looked at Hunter with a sad look on his face.

I know meant a lot to us, and it meant a lot to Omega, Hunter said as he gave him a hug.

After the sinking of the Britannic, Hunter and the rest of the Bad batch are glad that he's going to be ok.

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