The Lusitania's Final Ill-Fated Voyage

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It was early in the morning, Omega was sitting on the cliff of  Kinsale in County Cork, Ireland which caught the attention of Echo.

Hey Omega, Echo said as he sat next to her.

Hey, Omega said sadly.

What's wrong?, Echo said with concern.

I'm worried about Hunter and Crosshair, what if something bad happens to the Lusitania?, Omega said with sadness in her voice.

Shh, it's going to be ok Omega, I'm here, Echo said with a soothing voice.

After a while, Tech, Rex, and Wrecker exited the ship with a picnic basket.

Hey guys, Tech said as he sat next to Echo.

Hey Tech, Echo said as he comforted Omega.

What's wrong with Omega?, Tech said with concern.

She's worried that something bad is going to happen to the Lusitania, Echo said with concern.

After a while, the rest of the Bad batch were enjoying a picnic on the Irish coast when suddenly, there was an explosion.

Tech, what was that?, Rex said with concern.

*Sighs,* I hate to say this but, I'll say it anyway, the Lusitania was torpedoed, Tech said sadly.

*No, Hunter, Crosshair!,* Omega said as she ran into Wrecker's arms and broke down in tears.

Shh, it's going to be ok Omega, I'm here, Wrecker said as he rubbed her back.

*Sobs,* Omega said as tears streamed down her cheeks.

Shh, I'm here Omega, Wrecker said as he kissed her forehead.

After a while, they heard a second explosion and then the Lusitania was gone.

*Muffled sobs,* Omega said as she hugged Wrecker.

Shh, it's going to be ok Omega, Wrecker said as he continued to rub her back.

I can't believe it, it's gone, Echo said with concern.

I know how you feel Echo, Rex said as he put a hand on his shoulder.

Tech, do you have the location of Crosshair and Hunter?, Wrecker said as he comforted Omega.

Yeah, they're ok, but Crosshair is severely injured, Tech said with concern.

Ok, at least that they're ok, Echo said with a sigh of relief.

After a while, Hunter returned with Crosshair.

Hunter, Omega said as she ran to him.

Hey Omega, it's going to be ok, I'm here, Hunter said as he kissed her forehead.

*Agh,* Crosshair said as he felt the pain in his leg.

Crosshair, what happened?, Wrecker said with concern.

I fell into a lifeboat when the second explosion happened and *coughs,* I broke my leg, Crosshair said weakly.

It's going to be ok Crosshair, we're safe now, Hunter said as he put his arm around his shoulder.

*Coughs,* I don't feel good, Crosshair said as he leaned on Hunter for support.

It's going to be ok Crosshair, let's get back to the ship, Hunter said as he helped him walk into the ship.

After a while, the ship was in hyperspace and Hunter was sitting next to Crosshair.

*Ugh,* my head is pounding, Crosshair said as he went into a coughing fit.

Shh, it's going to be ok brother, Hunter said as he comforted Crosshair and gave him a drink.

T-Thanks, Crosshair said as he took a sip of the glass of water.

You're welcome, Hunter said happily.

Later that night, Crosshair woke up and felt dizzy.

Crosshair, what's wrong?, Echo said with concern.

*Coughs,* my leg really hurts and I feel *coughs,* dizzy, Crosshair said as he continued to cough.

I'll go get Hunter, Echo said as he left the room.

Hunter was sitting in the cockpit of the ship when suddenly, he noticed Echo.

Echo, what's wrong?, Hunter said with concern.

It's Crosshair, he's not feeling good, Echo said sadly.

Ok, I'll go check on him, Hunter said as he walked into the room.

*Ugh,* *coughs,* Hunter?, Crosshair said weakly.

Shh, I'm here, Hunter said as he sat next to him.

*Agh,* Crosshair said as he felt the pain in his leg.

Here let me change the bandage on your leg, Hunter said as he started changing the bandages.

*Winced in pain,* Crosshair said as he felt the pain.

I'm almost done Crosshair, just hang in there brother, Hunter said with a soothing voice.

*In the cockpit of the ship*

Omega is staring at the stars with tears streaming down her cheeks.

Omega, are you ok?, Tech said with concern.

*Sniffles,* n-no, Omega said sadly.

What's bothering you?, Tech said as he sat in the pilot's chair.

It's the sinking of the Lusitania, I almost lost Hunter and Crosshair, Omega said as as a single tear rolled down her cheek.

Shh, it's going to be ok Omega, come here, Tech said with a soothing voice.

*Sobs,* Omega said as she cried in Tech's arms.

Shh, it's going to be ok Omega, we're not going anywhere, Tech said with a soothing voice.

After a while, Omega walked into the room.

Hey Omega, Crosshair said weakly.

*Sniffles,* hey, Omega said as a single tear rolled down her cheek.

Come here, Crosshair said with a soothing voice.

*Sniffles,* Omega said as she laid down next to Crosshair and cried on his shoulders.

Shh, I'm going to be ok Omega, Crosshair said as he rubbed her back.

I missed you and Hunter so much, Omega said as she snuggled close to Crosshair.

We missed you too Omega, Crosshair said as he kissed her forehead and fell asleep.

After a tragic sinking of the Lusitania, Clone force 99 is glad that Crosshair is going to be ok.

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