Chapter 53

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When Kamari woke up, she was inside of the hospital.

"Q", she said. It was the first thing she said once she opened her eyes and sat up.

"Sweetheart calm down", Kamari's mom said as she touched her.

"Where's Q?", Kamari asked.

"In another room", Xavier replied. "Don't worry about him. He shot you"

"He didn't mean to" Kamari said.

"Well he did it!", Xavier said as he started to show his anger. "He did it!"

"You need to calm down", their mom said.

Xavier rolled his eyes and stood up.

"My sister almost died. You're daughter. You expect me to calm about this??", Xavier asked. "I'm not. Dad isn't here anymore. I'm supposed to look over the family and protect the family"

Kamari laid back down. She was in so much pain.

"He wasn't going to kill me", Kamari said.

"Why did Parker shoot him then?", Xavier asked.

"He saw the gun and he panicked. I don't know", Kamari said.

"How do you know he wasn't? Because he so called loves you? Mari, do I really gotta sit down with you and teach you when a boy loves you and when he doesn't?", Xavier asked.

"...he wasn't going to shoot me alright. I know he wouldn't", Kamari said.

"So how did you get shot?", Xavier asked.

"Parker shot him and when Q was falling to the ground it went off", Kamari said.

"I don't believe that", Xavier said.

" Where's Parker?", asked Kamari.

"I don't know. He left after 911 came and got you. He just texted us about it so that's the only reason we know. I guess he's upset", Xavier said.

Kamari sighed.

"Why did you tell anybody he was abusing you? Better yet, why didn't you leave him sooner?", Xavier asked.

"Because...I believed he was trying to be a better person", Kamari said. "I also believe that he really does love me. He was more concerned about me than himself when we were laying on the floor"

"You mean like how you believed that Malik would stop cheating on you?", Xavier asked.

"Xavier you need to chill out", their mom said.

"No ma. No. Because Mari has a bad judgement with people", Xavier said.

"With Malik...okay I did. But with Quinton it was different alright? Before we blew up, he was cool and chill", Kamari said.

"Yea so he could get into yo pants and paint a good image of himself", Xavier said.

"When after that he was still good to me Xavier. It's the fame and never being left alone is what's getting to him. You don't know what it feels like to have your every moved watched. I don't even like going out of house sometimes because of it. When your name gets big, it's like sometimes you can feel the sense of freedom anymore. You have to watch your image, do things a certain way, watch what you's a lot. On top of that you gotta make sure you put out good songs or else you'll just be another one hit wonder", Kamari said. "...we just lost our baby"

"It doesn't give him the right to put his hands on you", Xavier said.

"You're right. You're absolutely right..but it wasn't him. Quinton has been using different...substances to get the stress off of him. At first he was alright when started doing it but then after a while that's when things got worst. His temper started to shorten and every little thing ticked him off", Kamari explained.

"You should've left", Xavier said.

"If you're going to sit here and make me feel worst than I already do then you can leave", Kamari said.

"Maybe I should go and get a breather", Xavier said.

"Maybe you should and leave me alone. I didn't ask for your two cents", Kamari said.

Xavier shook his head and left.

"Sweetheart your brother is just-"

"I don't wanna talk anymore", Kamari said. "Please"


When Kamari recovered, she was back at her apartment. She couldn't do much so she was just chilling at her apartment. She hadn't heard from Q since the incident. She hadn't even been on social media since the incident because everybody knew about it.

Hope and Faith did stop by to check on Kamari yesterday. They still weren't talking like they used to but they came anyway because of how major things were.

Kamari was currently alone until she heard a knock at her door.

When she opened it, it was Quinton.

"Before you slam the door in my face. I wanna talk about something and then I'm going to leave for good", Quinton said.

Kamari waited for him to talk and as he did talk she could tell that he was his normal sober self. The same chill guy she met the first time.

"I just wanna say that I am so so so sorry of my actions. What I did to you was wrong and it was no excuse for that. I love you and I care about you and I'm sorry for causing you pain again in your life. I told you that I wouldn't and I did and I'm so sorry Mari. I'm so sorry", he said.

Kamari didn't looked at him.

"Bye", Quinton said before he started to walk away.

"Wait", Kamari finally said.

Quinton stopped and turned around.

"I care about you too Q. I do. I know those things that you did wasnt you but it did hurt me and because of that I need to be alone and find myself and to build myself...but that doesn't mean I don't forgive you", Kamari said.

"I'm glad that you at least forgive me even though you shouldn't. Any other girl wouldn't", Quinton said.

"...I'll see you around, Q. And please get some help if you need it", Kamari said.

Quinton nods.

"Goodnight", Kamari said.

"Goodnight", Quinton replied.

Quinton continued walking and Kamari shut and locked the door.


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