Part 10

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"Kanha,where is that minister (Draupadi)?"taunted Shikha jiji.

He is looking around.

"What?Where is she?"asked Shikha jiji again.

"Jiji,she would come soon maybe."stated Ishtika.

"Maybe!Where is Drau?"asked suspensely Shikha jiji.

"Answer me!"yelled Shikha jiji.

"Ohh!!She go ...t.  ma.r.r.i..ed."said Ashtik making Shikha jiji shocked.

"Married!!With whom?"questioned Shikha jiji.

"We don't know."answered Kanha.

"You don't know!!Are you kidding with me?"questioned Shikha jiji.

Then, Ashtik said everything.

"How could you even do so, Radha!"screamed Shikha jiji.

"I know jiji.I was selfish.But if I wouldn't say like this,those people would have killed us."explained Radharani.

"So what!"asked Shikha jiji.

Radharani lowered head and water is dropping from her eyes.

"You,get out from here."ordered Shikha jiji.Enough of showing anymore love to them.How can they do it?

"Get out Radha."Shikha jiji again reminded angrily.

"Radharani!"stated Sri Krishna from behind as Radha run away from there.

"Why are you staring at me?You all go too."ordered Shikha jiji.And the three too went helplessly.

It was good that there was only Shikha jiji if there would anyone else...............

Shikhandini jiji sat dissatisfied.That should not have happened ,what just happened!!


Here, Draupadi is walking beside the jungle alone and thinking something.Draupadi didn't even notice that no one is there.Draupadi is alone under the big mango tree.

"Princess!"called aArjun from behind as Draupadi turned.

"What are you doing here?"questioned aArjun.

"Nothing."answered Draupadi calmly.Draupadi had forget that aArjun should not have come there because Draupadi didn't come here saying to anyone.Draupadi had come like these.So, Dhananjaya can't be here.

"Everyone is searching for you."said aArjun.

"Oh!Yeah!"Draupadi said and started to go with Savyasachi.

"Ufffffff."Draupadi stated.

"What happened!"asked aArjun.

"My shoes are there."answered Draupadi.

"Ok, I am going."said the fake Dhananjaya went beside the tree.

Dhananjaya turned to Draupadi smiling and Draupadi too smiled.And aArjun suddenly vanished from the place.No ordinary person can do it.

"Ahhhhhhhhh!"Draupadi screamed in terror.

"What happened!"asked the four Pandav brothers running.

"Arya!"called Draupadi.The fear is seen in Draupadi's face.Drsupadi's body has become cold like ice.Some drops of water is also flowing from Draupadi's pale face.

"What!"asked the four fake Pandav brothers.

"Arya..Oh.."Draupadi is not in state to describe anything just pointing towards the tree.

"There is nothing."said the fake four Pandavas.

"You dreamt."said the fake brothers.

"No,Arya...."Draupadi was continuing and slowly went near the tree.

"There was..."Draupadi said and looked behind.To surprise,the four brothers were not there even.Draupadi was more afraid."Where are they?"Draupadi questioned and looked around to search but there was nobody and for surely in  this open place,no one can go so early.Draupadi screamed and fainted at the place beside tree.

"Princess!"called real Pandavas brothers and saw Draupadi in terrible state.

"Draupadi!"called Pandavas but Draupadi didn't open eyes.

"Anuj.First take her in the room."suggested aYudisthir as aBheem took Draupadi from that place instant.

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