Part 14

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"We are going."informed aYudisthir.

"When will you come?"questioned Draupadi.

"Soon."aBheem said.

"I will miss you."informed Draupadi sadly.

"We will miss you too."said aArjun and kiss Draupadi's forehead.

"Come soon."Draupadi again requested.

"What happened today,dear?"asked aYudisthir.

"Nothing."Draupadi replied lowing head.

"Ok.Then we are going."mocked aNakul.

"What going? Can't you see I am tensed?"raged Draupadi.

Pandavas shared a look and laughed.

"Now tell us what is bothering you?"said aSahadev.

"You were mocking at me!"asked Draupadi.

Pandavas kissed Draupadi's cheeks.

"You are so innocent."said aBheem.

"I am not feeling good today."stated Draupadi.

"Why?"questioned aArjun tensely.

"Are you ok?"questioned aNakul concerned.

"No,no.I am ok but my mind......leave it."
requested Draupadi.

"No,I think any of us should stay here."suggested aSahadev.

"Yes!''the four also added.

"No,you don't.You go and come soon."requested Draupadi.

"But......"aYudisthir was cut off by Draupadi,'No,you go.I will take care of myself."

"We don't want."said aArjun.

"Please Arya.Come fast,ok?"pleaded Draupadi.

Pandavas really need to go but leaving Draupadi in this state!!

"Ok but you take care.Don't go anywhere.
We will come soon."promised aYudisthir and Pandavas went with heavy hearts leaving Draupadi.

"Putri,I am going to Mandir.You take care."informed Mata Kunti beside the closed door and went.

Draupadi is all alone in the hut.


"Mamasree ,what to do now?"questioned  Duryodhan.

"Tell what to do with that oldy."stated Gandhar Raj Shakuni.

"Till he is alive.He would never jyesth be the Yuvraj."added Dusshasan.

"We can't do anything to him also?"uttered Duryodhan.

"Putro,why don't we complain to Samragi?Yes,write a letter to Samragi about all this."ordered mamasree Shakuni.

"Samragi!! If she came to know about the Lakshaghreha accident!! She doesn't believe in others.She would definitely search about all this."feared Dusshasan.

"No,she wouldn't.She is  very busy nowadays.She wouldn't.And everyone know that was an accident, nothing more."chilled Gandhar Raj.

"If luck is in our side,then we shall win this time."hoped Duryodhan and they all give evil laugh.


"Hey listen......"Mata Zalshi was shocked
entering the hut as there was no one.

"Where is the Princess?"questioned Mata Atishi.

"Gone with Kunti for sure."added Mata Zalshi.

But Mata Kunti came alone with the thali.

"Where is the Princess,Kunti?"asked Mata Mohini.

"Draupadi,she is inside the hut."said Mata Kunti and put the Pooja thali.

"She is not there."informed Mata Mohini.

"What!!then maybe in kitchen!"said Mata Kunti.

"She is nowhere."informed Mata Ragini.

"What are you saying,jiji?"questioned Mata Kunti and searched the whole place but Draupadi is missing.Mata Kunti is very tensed for Draupadi.

"You answer where is she?You must hide her so that we can't do anything."said Mata Ragini.

"No Ragini hi,I didn't.Before going to Mandir,I had just informed her.In fact,I didn't saw her from yesterday night."said Mata Kunti.

"What happened Mata?"questioned aArjun.

"You came so soon!"questioned Mata Atishi.

"Draupadi is little ill  today.So,"informed aNakul.

"But why are you standing here and so tensed?Mata."asked aSahadev.

"Don't know where she is!"added Mata Kunti.

"Where can she go?"questioned Pandavas shockingly.

"This girl has surely some problem.First she went to that jungle to roaming,then she fainted and blamed uselessly our sons now she is missing!"whispered Mata Zalshi to her sisters.

"You are right.Hope she spares us."prayed Mata Mohini while Mata Kunti and Pandavas are tensed.

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