16| Past In The Present

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Sorry for the late update. Post vaccination effects hit me hard 😶

As I am still not fully satisfied with the chapter I think I'll re-edit it.

|| You were unsure which pain is worse -
the shock of what happened or
the ache for what never will ||


A daughter's first love is her father.

A statement that Manik did not quite believe in. He was close to his father too. He looked up to him too. He shared his secrets with him too. He was his first hero too. Then why is a daughter's love different? He often thought about this, but didn't get a satisfying answer to calm the inquisition.

Probably, because he has never seen the way a daughter and a father bond, he never understood the essence of it. The two girls he has seen closely, Alya and Mukti, they never shared a relationship like that with their fathers. Amyrah too, never quite had that ideal relationship with her father.

Today however, as he stood in Rehaan's room, watching Nandini go around the chamber, with an indecipherable gleam lining her eyes, he could understand a little about that purest form of bond.

Nandini hadn't uttered a word since they've entered this room. She had gone still silent. A lot was going on inside her, so much that even words fail to portray that picture. She was trying her best to not cripple. To stay strong, not for her, but the man behind her.

Has anyone ever been able to stop memories?

So couldn't she. All the facade she had put up, melted when she saw a photo frame, kept on the side table, and her will power broke. And in a way, she couldn't control.

Almost as if sensing it, Manik looked at North, who stood on the threshold of the door, to leave them alone. Being Nandini's consort, Manik had equal power to order North and he did obey his command.

It was a picture of Nandini who looked not more than seven, looking at a person who apparently was Rehaan, while he strung a tune on his guitar.

The longing in Nandini's eyes, pinched Manik, making him truly speechless

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The longing in Nandini's eyes, pinched Manik, making him truly speechless. He wanted to comfort her, but did not know what combination of alphabets can actually do that. Which can give her the love she yearns for.

As he did not have any tricks up his sleeves to pull, he just kissed the side of her forehead, making it known that she has him with her. She is not alone. Even if he can't understand what she feels, he is there to ease it.

"Anjana aunty took this picture", Nandini's hands caressed that framed picture as if it was glass and will break if she puts pressure. "We were on a picnic, and Appa...he was singing a for me", that smile of morose reminiscence that came across her face, made Manik yelp. How much of a torture it was for her!

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