Chapter 40

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"If you don't tell us it will leave us to believe that noting is wrong!" Mads said as a tear fell from Raennes eye.

"Are you on your fucking period again" Cooper stated pushing Raenne over the edge making her stand up from her seat and walk towards the steps...



I can't believe he just said that. Does he not care about at all?

Why can't they just leave me the fuck alone. It's my life after all.

As I walked up the stairs furiously, i had the idea to sneak out to escape reality for a few hours.

Once I got to mg room, I opened the door and walked in quietly to avoid them noticing. I locked the door right after I stepped foot in the room. I walked over to the window in my room that is facing to front of my house. I opened it as wide as I could so that I could fit through, then I placed my foot on the ledge so that I could climb down without falling and getting caught. Once I got close enough to the ground, I jumped down and started to speed walk, but started to run.

I went to the forest that is near by my school. All the druggies hangout there so I went there to meet them knowing that I am gonna see them.


"YO RAENNE" Yelled a familiar deep voice

I looked up from the picture of Kendall Jenner that was on the screen of my phone. Standing ahead of me was Kingston and a bunch of his friends. I've known this kid for a very long time, about 8 years. And his bestfriend, Michael, I am very close with and have had a crush on him for 3 years. We tried dating like 5 times but it never really worked out. Part of me still really likes him...

I walked closer to Kingston and his friends.

"hey..." I said in a soft voice

We started to talk abt a bunch of different things. Not deep convos at all bc they were all high and lowkey drunk but I don't care.

Kingston walked to my side and stood next to me. Then said

"U good buddy?"

"mhm" I replied not letting him in.

He looked at me not believing one bit of what I had just replied with.

"What?!" I asked a little bit annoyed that he wasn't believing me.

"Nothing. Nothing! I just want to make sure your okay. Everyone's been worried and suspicious..." He replied still concerned.

I rolls my eyes at that as no one should care about me.

"Do you have weed? Or a vape" I asked desperately

"No weed but we got vapes" He replied

He went to his backpack that he brought his candy and vapes in. He handed me a black one and didn't question me once when I started to use it.

I thanked him, and then he started to talk again.

"Don't leave yet! Michael's coming soon." He said excitedly

"Sorry I can't stay" I lied trying to avoid being questioned by michael. He always knows when I'm lying.

he hugged me and whispered in my ear, "be safe bud"

I nodded in response and started walking away. I rubbed my eyes as what he said had made me a little teary.

As I walked down the stairs, I saw michael biking in my direction to get to kingston.

I looked away thinking that he wouldn't notice it was me.

"Rae!" I heard his voice

"shit" i said to myself

"hey" i said with little to no emotion in my voice.

He slowed down and his bike got off to come over to talk to me.

"I haven't seen you in a while" he said

"mmn yea" I replied emotionless

"Rae are you okay? He asked


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