An Awkward Breakfast

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Boy that sure was a handsome, nearly naked man you just saw. Yep. That sure was a thing. Your stomach growls and you realize that breakfast, much like the nearly naked man, is a thing you want desperately. You scavenge the kitchen for ingredients and eventually decide to whip up some french toast and bacon. As soon as you crack the eggs, a blushing and, sadly, dressed Markiplier descends the stairs. He walks up to the counter and turns on the coffee machine before attempting to inspect your work. He gives a slightly nervous laugh and says "I know it's a rare privilege to see this amazing body, but you don't need to repay me for it." in a bassy, joking tone. You brandish your spatula at him and retort "Mind that sassy mouth of yours or I'll eat this all by myself. Then I'll be fat and sick to my stomach and that shit will be on you." At that, he leaves you alone until you finish cooking. You both grab plates and serve yourselves. Mark admits that he needs to go upload a video but shows you how to work the TV and various consoles before running off with his breakfast. You browse the multitude of games and movies and eventually settle on one, Pontypool, a beautiful addition to the zombie craze. The way the virus is transmitted is so cool!


You finish recording and head back upstairs to find —- watching a movie on your couch. Why is there French? "'Kill is uh...kill is kiss! Kill is uh...kill is kiss. Kill is kiss. Kill is kiss. Is that it? Kill is kiss? Kill is kiss. Kill. Is. Kiss. Kill is kiss. Kill is kiss. Kill is kiss. What is kill?' 'Kiss...Kill me...' 'What?' 'Kill me...' *making out ensues*"  Ah, it's Pontypool. You clear your throat and —- jumps at least a foot in the air, an impressive feat from a seated position. "I leave you alone for an hour or so and you put on weird Canadian arthouse porn?" You tease. "It's a horror movie! It's a zombie movie even!" You decide to tease her further "Suuuuure. What you do on your own time is your own business, but don't do that stuff in other people's living rooms." "It is a horror movie! It's a cool Canadian zombie flick!" —- retorts. She can't tell you're being sarcastic; this is too much fun. "So you admit it's Canadian then?" You taunt. "It was on your shelf Mark!" she yells. You can't keep it in anymore. You burst out laughing.

She gently slaps your arm and says "You knew exactly what movie it was the whole time didn't you?" You let out one last chuckle but can't wipe the grin off your face. "I may or may not have kno —Yes I did. I knew the whole time and you didn't even notice."  you admit. You start laughing again "You were blushing so hard! It was adorable." That was out loud. —- is blushing again and you can feel pink starting to decorate your own cheeks.Luckily, she saves the both of you. "Geez Mark, a lady stays in your guest room one night and you start putting the moves on her? I thought you were more of a gentleman than that." You raise an eyebrow and remark "Yeah, well... Looks can be deceiving." Again, out loud. Remember how calling her cute made things awkward? Remember that, brain? So maybe outright flirting might also make things awkward. "I'm gonna go get another cup of coffee." You hastily announce as you retreat to the kitchen.

The Fleshly Dark (Darkiplier x Reader, Markiplier x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now