Can You Face Him?

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I pocketed my phone and started back down the mirror hall. After a few more minutes of walking, I reached the Inner Sanctum. I went inside and saw Blumiere once again standing in front of that large crater from before.

Blumiere: If you have left anything unfinished... I recommend you take care of it now.

Mr.L: Blumiere, you can stop this now. The Void is gone, I don't have the Chaos Heart anymore.

This appeared to catch him off guard.

Blumiere: What?

He turned around to look at me and an expression of shock spread across his face.

Blumiere: But... how?

Mr.L: Long story short, this isn't the first time we fought. Stuff happened and now I need your help.

He looked thrilled that he didn't have to fight me.

Blumiere: O-of course! I'm willing to help!

I could feel a smile spread across my face.

Timpani: Everybody STOOOOOP!!! 

Just then, Timpani came running in! She ran up to Blumiere and wrapped her arms around him.

Timpani: Please don't fight each other! I thought that I could let Mr.L do this journey alone, but I couldn't stop worrying about both of you! I don't want the two of you to come down to the choice of life or death! No one has to die!

Mr.L: I-it's okay, Timpani. We weren't gonna fight.

Timpani: Really?

Blumiere: No, dear. He was just about to ask me for help.

Timpani: Oh. Now I just feel silly, hehe...

All of a sudden, O'Chunks came running in!

O'Chunks: Mr.L! Blumiere! Ya don't gotta fight each other! There has teh be a better solution! Everyone settle this peacefully or I'm gonna..!

Mr.L: O'Chunks, we're not gonna fight.

O'Chunks: Oh...

Timpani: We already discussed it, heh.

O'Chunks waved at Timpani.

O'Chunks: Heya, Lady Tippi!

Timpani: Hello, O'Chunks!

A few seconds later, Nastasia came running in.

Nastasia: Hey! No one hurt each other! ......please?

Timpani: Hello, Nastasia! Don't worry! No one's fighting!

Nastasia: Oh, uh, okay... Hi Timpani...

Luigi ran inside with Mario trailing behind him.

Luigi: EVERYONE STOP FIGHTIIINNNNGGGGGG!!! If anyone hurts anyone! I'll... Ask my brother for help!

Timpani: Hello Luigi! Hello Mario!

Blumiere: Don't worry, no one is fighting each other...

Mr.L: We only said it about five times so far.

Luigi: PHEW! That's a relief!

Mario: Told you, bro.

Luigi: I know! But... I just wanted to be sure!

O'Chunk: Y'all are lucky! If ya didn't sort it out, I would've had teh chunk yeh!

Nastasia: Well, thankfully, that's not necessary.

Nastasia gave O'Chunks a quick hug as everyone gathered beside Blumiere in front of me.

Mimi ran in and clung onto Blumiere.

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