Untitled Part 11

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I get home and I throw on my midnight blue, floor length dress, then begin to practice. I have the entire piece memorized now that I've played it, but it isn't perfectly smooth. I get through it four times before my father fetches me.

"Sang, you ready?" I nod and follow him down the stairs. We get in the car and  I begin to get nervous. No scratch that, I begin to get desperate. I can not make a mistake. As soon as we arrive a guard brings me to a stage.

"You are on in three minutes." I nod, nearly shaking from nerves. I can't remember how long it has been since I freaked out over a concert. Nowadays I am normally just numb.

     I take to the stage. Instead of me going numb, it is like I am on hyper drive. I am uber aware of every movement I make, every breath I take. I play like I never have before, I play like it the last time I will breathe, because it quite possibly might be. I play with m eyes closed for a bit, before looking into the audience. I lock with steel gray eyes. They give me strength and the nerves fade away. I just play, and for the first time, when I am done, I feel light. The audience stands at the end of my performance. For a second there is silence before the claps are deafening. I take a bow and walk offstage, a slight smile on my face.

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