Untitled Part 12

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My father waits for me in the wings, in shock. It is obviously written across his face that he is wondering how I managed to not fail miserably. He grabs my arm, twisting, I bit my lip, I can't blank out, not here, not now. But I do anyways. I come out of it in the prep room, he is standing there screaming at me, and I just blink. These blank outs are disorienting. 

"Why the hell did you do that! You cheated! You are a fucking cheater, you little bitch!" I tilt my head in confusion. Why is he talking about, we aren't playing a game, I just play the violin. How did I cheat at violin?

"Pardon?" I say in confusion, luckily I remember to be formal. 

"You knew that fucking song, didn't you? DIDN'T YOU? You know that you are not allowed to learn any songs that I do not give you." 

"No sir, I didn't know the song, I just practiced it a lot." He lets out a huff of breath as he calms slightly. He grabs my arm again, hard enough to leave marks.

"This isn't over. Now you are going to go be fucking perfect in front of my... associates." I nod slowly.

"Yes, sir," and with that I walk out to the reception area. I look around for Mr. Blackbourne. Why was he here? As soon as I enter the hall, a crowd forms, complementing me on how well I did. I just blushed and said thank yous to just about everybody. Once the crowd clears, Mr. Blackbourne approaches.

"Amazing job, Miss Sorenson, to think you learned that yesterday, you have quite a talent." I blush again, 

"Thank you sir, I couldn't of done it with out your help." He stares at my arms for a second, and grabs it. It is such a fast movement that I blank out. He drops it and I see he is talking, but the words aren't hitting my ears.

"Pardon? Could you please repeat that sir."

"What are those marks on your arms Miss Sorenson?" I bite my lip. Of course he would be the only one to notice the marks from where my dad had twisted.

"It is nothing sir," I attempt to keep my voice smooth, but I am not entirely successful.

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