Untitled Part 17

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The ride home is silent and awkward. I don't know how to hold a conversation after they just discovered my life. Well, parts of it anyways. My father is in jail. Is it bad that I am happy? My mother couldn't care less about me. Will I still have to do concerts? I hope I don't. I am lost in my thoughts when we pull up to my home. I quickly get out of the car and go to my bedroom.

     Something is different in here. Like someone was in here. I have requested the maids don't enter unless I ask, so that is not it. I feel as if I am being watched. A feeling in the pit of my stomach pulls me towards my window. There is nothing outside that is different. I look at the curtains, the curtain rod. I am tugged towards the curtain rod, I look at the end closely. There is a black speck. Using my nails I pry it out. It is connected to a mess of wires. Why are there cameras in my bedroom? The cut the camera out with scissors and stick it in my pocket.

      I go downstairs to the security office. Our head security guard, Jeff, is down there. Maybe they installed more cameras?

"Hello little lady, how are ya doing today?" Jeff is the only person we have on staff that doesn't feel the need to be stiff and formal around me. I feel likewise around him.

"I'm doing fine. Did you all put some more security cameras around the place?" He looks at me in confusion.

"No, was I supposed to." Great. Just perfect. I dig the camera out of my pocket and place it on the desk.

"You need to do a bug sweep." He looks shocked, nods, and walks out of the room. And with that I go to bed.

Mr. Blackbourne's POV

     She asked to go home. Under most circumstances I wouldn't allow it, but we just removed the danger from her house. Victor installed cameras, we have eyes on every inch of the house. The ride to her home is silent. It is obvious that she is thinking of her life, her father in particular. She can put up a front, but she can't lie I've noticed. She just knows how to work the press.

      I drop her off at her home, then go down the street. I park the car and pull up the camera feeds. I find her quickly, she is walking to her bedroom. Once there she stops, looking around. She seems puzzled. She starts walking towards her window, right towards the camera. She examines the curtain rod and pulls out the camera. What gave it away? How did she know? I smile slightly to myself, she is definitely an Academy girl.

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