Untitled Part 18

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I wake up and get ready, still feeling watched. I go down to the security room.

"Hey girlie, how are you?"

"I'm doing fine. Did you find any bugs?" He looks at me and shakes his head.

"No we didn't find anything." I scrunch my lip together. What is the likelihood of only one camera being planted. I still feel like there are more, even in here.

"Can you do another sweep," I bat my eyelashes. Jeff is a sucker for me, he is the closest person to me. He nods and  go back to my bedroom, grab my stuff and go to school.

The chauffeur drops me off in front of the overcrowded prison of a school. I go in the doors, ignoring the catcalls. I find a empty spot in the courtyard and hang out there. I'm really not one to socialize. I hate people. No, I hate stupid people. Victor walks up to me as I pull out a book.


"Hey Victor," I say, not looking up from my book. Maybe if I don't make eye contact he will leave me alone. Don't get me wrong, I like Victor, but I like my books more.

"I wanted to talk to you. How did your concert go?" I make eye contact. He isn't someone who will be deterred from talking to me.

"Fine I guess."

"I just wanted to say sorry about my father." I look at him and tilt my head. What is he talking about? I am so incredibly confused.

"Um... okay..."

"Will you come hang out with me and my friends?" I puff out a breath. I don't reply, but I follow him over to the group of boys who were at the concert.

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