2 Clarity

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A week later, I was still trying to figure out what this tingling feeling was all about. So many different explanations flowed through my head. I was so confused that I didn't know if I really felt butterflies or if it was just related to the rush of adrenaline.

After my fall, I didn't even have time to thank Damian, because I was immediately taken backstage. I hadn't even noticed at that point that the spot where my head hit the post was bleeding.

It was just a small cut, but the officials insisted on taking me to the hospital after I was stitched up. There my head was x-rayed. Fortunately, everything was fine. Well, except for the headache. However, I wasn't sure if it was from the impact or because my mind was all over the place.

This time it was me who was waiting impatiently for Damian's arrival. I had driven to the arena extra early so that I could finally thank him properly. Besides, I wanted to use the opportunity to get some clarity about my feelings.

"Hey Damian! Can I talk to you alone for a minute?" I asked him as soon as he came striding through the door.

"Oh hey Y/N! It's good to see you. Sure, just give me a second to get my stuff in the locker room. Then I'm all yours." he replied with a wink.

Together we made our way towards the locker rooms. While Damian brought in his stuff, I nervously paced up and down the hallway. Again, a million different explanations played in my head. One made less sense than the other.

"Okay, what's up?" he asked as he suddenly stood in front of me again.

"Let's look for a place that's a little more private," I said, sounding tense. An idea was forming in my head on how to get clarity. But I didn't necessarily need twenty or more witnesses for that.

After a short search, we found an empty stairwell. I took a deep breath and turned to Damian.

"All right. First of all, I want to thank you for saving me from possibly hurting myself badly last week. Secondly, I want to apologize to you for acting like a stupid bitch towards you. I was really rude to you for no reason and I'm really sorry. You didn't deserve that," I said.

"Hey it's okay. Really. I know I can be pretty annoying sometimes. I don't blame you." he replied calmly.

I raised my gaze and looked into his eyes. He seemed to be serious. He simply shrugged off my impossible behavior. Suddenly I had a really bad conscience that I had done this nice guy so wrong.

When I looked into Damian's eyes and he smiled softly at me, there was that tingling feeling again. At that moment I made the decision to find out once and for all what was going on inside me.

I stood on the lowest step of the stairs, so that I was a little more at eye level with him. I didn't quite manage that, though, because he was so damn tall.

"Do you mind if I try something?" I asked softly, reaching for his hand to pull him closer to me.

"You can do whatever you want, Y/N." he replied.

Gently I put my hand to his cheek and stood on my tiptoes. Slowly I brought my face closer to his until I could press my lips on his.

If I thought I felt butterflies before, now it was fucking fireworks! Everything fell into place. As if the parts had always been waiting to be put together.

Maybe it didn't need logical explanations. Maybe it was just meant to be. Maybe it was the start of something amazing.

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