25 The joy and the love

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"Alright my perfect little angel. Let's get you ready. Today is a very special day. Today your Papá and I are getting married. I still can't believe it. I feel like I'm dreaming. And I'm a little nervous too. That's why I need your full support Lucia. I need you to be on your best behavior today. No spitting up on Mama's dress or on Papá's suit if there's any way you can avoid it, okay? Can you do that for Mama?" I babbled to my daughter as I dressed her for the big day.

The little girl babbled and wriggled happily and chewed on her tiny fists while I tried to put her dress on. She looked so adorable. I leaned in and covered her little face with kisses.

"Look at you! You look so lovely. Yes, you do! You're going to steal my thunder, but that's totally okay! Because I can't blame anyone for only having eyes for you. I love you so much, baby girl," I continued as I put her in the middle of our big bed so I could get ready myself. At 8 weeks old, she wasn't moving as much for me to worry about her falling off the bed.

Nevertheless, my gaze kept wandering back to her. In the meantime, she was sleeping soundly again. I smiled happily as I admired again how similar she looked to Damian.

I had just finished everything when there was a knock at the door. Fortunately, noises did not disturb Lucia in the least.

"Come in, unless you're the groom!" I called in hushed tones.

"It's me, sweetheart! I wanted to see how ready you two are. Oh my beautiful darling!" my mother spoke as she stepped into the room and looked at me.

"We are ready. Will you take Lucia with you now? And then please hand her to Candice." I replied as I carefully lifted my sleeping daughter off the bed. Carefully just so as not to wrinkle my dress. Lucia wouldn't even notice. As long as she was dry and full, she didn't care about anything else.

"Sure, come to grandma, sweetheart. Why should I hand her to Candice? I can hold her myself, can't I?" My mother said, sounding a little offended.

"I know you could. But I also know you're probably going to get very emotional and want to take pictures. And that's hard to do with a baby in your arms," I explained.

"Okay, fine. You're right! I'll tell everyone to sit down so we can get started. And Y/N? I'm very proud of you." she replied and came to me to hug me with one arm.

"Thanks mom!" I whispered, trying not to start crying already.

Damian and I settled pretty quickly on an intimate ceremony in our beautiful backyard. Just with our families and closest friends. Neither of us were in the mood for a big, fancy ceremony. We had everything we needed. Each other.

I stepped into the living room and took a moment to look at Damian. He had not noticed me yet. He was looking out into the backyard and fidgeting with his hands. It seemed that he was also nervous. Even though I had seen him in a suit before, it still took my breath away. I don't think I would ever get used to this sight.

I moved closer to him and put a hand on his shoulder. Immediately he turned to me and his dark eyes glistened with tears.

"You look so beautiful, Y/N! I can't believe how lucky I am." he whispered.

"You look really handsome too, Damian! What do you say? Shall we get married?" I replied, gently placing my hand against his cheek.

"Nothing I'd rather do!" he then said, not missing the opportunity to give me a gentle kiss on the forehead. Then he handed me my bridal bouquet and hooked my arm with his. So we walked together between the rows of guests towards the minister, who was waiting for us in front of a lovely arch with flowers.

"Y/N, my beloved. From the second I first laid eyes on you I knew you were special and I wanted you to be a part of my life. You definitely didn't make it easy for me, but that just makes our love even more special. Because the best things in life aren't just handed to you. You have to fight for them and prove that you really want them and value them.

In our case, fate and timing also played a big role. I couldn't be more grateful that I was in the right place at the right time when an angel literally fell into my arms. You are a godsend to me and you gave me the greatest gift imaginable. You gave life to our daughter. Our beautiful baby girl. I love you Y/N and I love Lucia more than I can ever put into words.

I promise you that I will always love and protect you. You two are the most important thing in my life and I will always try to be the best version of myself for you." Damian vowed while looking me deeply in the eyes.

Now I could not stop the tears in my eyes anymore and let them run down my face.

"Damian, I know I've been a huge challenge for you and I'm glad, so glad, that giving up is not a part of your personality. Without..." I began, but then I heard Lucia start to cry.

I turned to Candice and saw her gently rocking the little girl, but it was no use. Without thinking too much, I reached out my arms to my daughter and then gently cradled her in my arms. Now she calmed down again and I could continue.

"Okay, where was I? Oh, yes. Without your persistence, I'm sure we wouldn't be here today and I certainly wouldn't be holding this little darling in my arms. You never gave up on me, no matter how many reasons I gave you. You are my rock, my protector, the father of our daughter and most importantly, you are the love of my life. I will forever be grateful to you for saving me. You saved me from my past and you saved me from myself.

You are the most loving, pure man I have ever known. You have given me back the confidence in myself and in love. I love you and I am proud that from today I can call myself your wife". I continued as I blinked away the tears.

Shortly after we said our vows, the minister took our marital promises and we exchanged rings. Then finally he pronounced us husband and wife. I saw Damian's proud smile as he leaned down to kiss me for the first time as my husband.

"I love you!" he whispered.

"I love you too!" I whispered back and placed Lucia in his arms. She made contented little noises as she nestled into her father's strong arms. I gave her a little peck before stretching up to give Damian another kiss as well.

Everything about this moment felt right. The tingling, the tears, the joy and the love. Everything was in the right place.

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