8 Happy

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A few days after our date, Damian picked me up from home and together we went to Full Sail University. When we arrived at the parking lot, Damian took our bags out of the trunk of his car and then we made our way towards the entrance while holding hands.

However, we did not get far. Already after a few steps I heard the familiar squealing of Candice.

"Y/N!" she exclaimed excitedly, running toward us.

"Hi, girl. What's up?" I asked as she hugged me.

"What's up? What's up? Seriously? Since when is that a thing?" she asked, pointing down at my and Damian's joined hands.

"Oh that? A few days." I explained while looking up at my boyfriend and smiled.

Damian leaned down to press a light kiss to my forehead.

"Did you finally wore her down?" asked Johnny, coming up behind Candice.

"What can I say, man. I don't give up that easily," Damian replied. I had to laugh, because he was right about that. Giving up was really not his style. Even if I had wished for it a while ago. In the meantime I was very glad that he didn't let me get him down.

"We can talk about it later. Right now, let's get to work. I'll see you later. Love you." said I as we arrived at the security check.

"See you later, baby. Love you too." replied Damian and then gave me a sweet, way too short goodbye kiss.

"Don't think you can get away from me like that! I need details!" demanded Candice, jumping up and down excitedly like a little kid.

"You are so nosy." I laughed as we entered the women's locker room.

"You bet I am. You seem so happy and you said you love each other. You can't expect me not to be curious about that." she replied.

I knew she wouldn't give up so easily, so I told her a few things. Even if I left out everything about my past.

After a long busy day, I was now waiting at the car for Damian's arrival. I didn't know why he was taking so long. Neither of us had a match. Maybe I was just impatient to have him by my side again.

"Hey you. Have you been waiting long?" he asked as he suddenly appeared in front of me.

"Hey... every second is too long. I missed you." I replied softly and then stretched to be able to wrap my arms around his neck. But that was a little difficult due to his height. To make it easier for me, he wrapped his arms around my waist and lifted me up a bit. That was much better. Now I could also press my lips to his without difficulty.

After a few moments, Damian set me back on my feet. Then he held the car door open for me and closed it gently after I got in.

During the ride we talked about everything that had happened today. When we arrived in front of my place, Damian took my hand again and accompanied me to the door.

"Are you staying here tonight?" I wanted to know.

"Always, if you let me." he confirmed.

We entered and immediately after I locked the door, I turned to Damian.

He came close to me and lifted my chin with his index finger. Damian looked me in the eyes and a happy smile played around his lips. He looked so happy. Slowly, he leaned toward me. Carefully I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and kissed him. Gently at first, then more and more intensely. I, too, was incredibly happy. It felt like my whole body was filled with joy.

Our lips moved in tandem as his sweet scent filled my mouth. A deep groan escaped him. When I heard it, it was like my whole body was suddenly in flames. He was arousing, so sexy. 

"Damian? I want you!" whispered against his lips.

"Are you sure you're ready for this? I don't want to push you." he whispered back.

"Never been so sure in my life." I breathed.

Damian pressed his lips to mine again. This time the kiss was more heated and urgent than before. Then he bent down and lifted me up with one arm behind my back and the other behind my knees. He carried me like this to my bedroom and gently laid me on the sheets.

While we continued to kiss, we stripped off each other's clothes. Piece after piece landed carelessly on the floor. Everywhere his lips and hands touched me, I felt the tingling.

"So beautiful... I love you, Y/N." murmured Damian.

"I love you." I whispered.

I could not wait any longer. I wanted, needed to feel him inside me. Nothing else mattered.

I reached down and guided his hard cock to my center. He pressed gently and again I heard that delicious groan. Louder this time. Even more intoxicating than before.

He thrust into me slowly but deeply. I gripped his ass to be able to pull him even closer to me, even if that was physically hardly possible. Panting, we found our pace. My lips found his and we kissed open-mouthed, devouring each other.

It became difficult to kiss. One or the other of us would lose concentration to a more intense touch and stop moving our lips. Soon we surrendered, letting our mouths be still together, each breathing the other's breath. I was completely lost to the sensations in my body. Everything else drifted away, bit by bit.

Truly, I could stay like this forever. I can't imagine that life gets any better than that.

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