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"So, what do you think of this house?" asked Damian me as we walked through the fourth or fifth house that day.

The realtor had excused himself to take a call. This gave us a chance to talk about the house and our thoughts without the realtor hearing what we thought of the place.

In the meantime nine months had passed and Damian still made me happy like on the first day. And I think that I made him just as happy. Otherwise we would hardly look for a place where we wanted to live together.

His proposal to move in together was a little unexpected for me, but I couldn't imagine anything more wonderful than sharing a home with him. We spent so much time together anyway that it won't really make much difference. Already we practically lived together. Sometimes in Damian's place, sometimes in mine.

The only thing that made me a little uncomfortable was the fact that they were planning to bring Damian into the main roster. Of course I was very excited for him. But it meant for us that Damian would be on the road a lot while I stayed with NXT in Orlando.

"I don't know. It's really pretty, but isn't it a little big for us? I mean, we don't need three bedrooms, right?" I replied as I continued to look around.

"Well, maybe not at the moment, but who knows. Maybe sometime in the future." said Damian as he followed me to give me a hug.

"Does that mean you're already thinking about babies?" I asked as I looked up at him.

"Yeah, I've been having thoughts like that lately. What do you think about it, mi querida?" he replied.

"That's not an easy answer. Well... after everything that has happened to me in the past, I had actually ruled out ever wanting children. I didn't think I would ever trust anyone enough again. Or that I would trust myself enough to do so. But then you happened...and yes, I've thought about it too. The thing is, I just don't know exactly if my body would go along with it. You know, because of the scarring and the injuries that led to the scars," I explained quickly, looking around to make sure we were still alone.

Once again I was surprised how much Damian had changed my thinking. If someone had asked me a year ago if I could imagine moving in with a man or even wanting to have a family with him.... I would have declared that person crazy for sure. At that time I had been so sure that this way was completely out of the question for me. But now, with Damian at my side, suddenly everything seemed possible. Even things that had previously scared me to death.

"We have time to think about it, baby. You have all the time in the world. But it's still good to know that we're on the same page about our future. I think we'll work it out. You know I'm stubborn as hell," Damian replied, pressing a little kiss to my nose.

"Oh I know. I don't think we'd be here if you weren't." I laughed.

"Did you get an impression? What do you think of this house?" asked the realtor as he stepped back into the room.

Damian looked down at me and knowing what he wanted I nodded simply.

"I think we found what we were looking for." he replied and then looked back at me.

In his voice I clearly heard that he meant more than the house.

More than a game [a Damian Priest story]Where stories live. Discover now