12 Proud and shot

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"Alright, how do I look?" Damian wanted to know as he came out of the bathroom of our hotel room.

My jaw literally dropped, he looked so fucking good. I mean, I had seen him in a suit before, but my goodness. I swallowed and cleared my throat before answering him.

"Wow. Damian, I can say without a single doubt that you're so damn good looking that I'd love to throw myself at you. And I'm fucking pissed that you have to go to the stadium so early," I said and carefully got up from the bed. Carefully, because I had injured my knee 8 weeks ago. Luckily no surgery was needed, just time to heal. And this stupid knee brace. 

I think it goes without saying that I was pretty annoyed that I couldn't wrestle or work out at the moment. This passive sitting around made me crazy.

But not as crazy as my hot boyfriend made me in this second. I slowly limped towards him and wrapped my arms around his center.

"Have I told you how proud I am of you? This is your big moment. Your first match at WrestleMania." I spoke as I looked up at him lovingly.

"I think you mentioned it about 100 times. But I still love hearing it." he replied and then leaned down and kissed my nose.

"I should get going. I don't want to be late. I'll see you tonight?" he continued.

"I will be there. And if I don't see you before then... have fun and enjoy this special day. I love you, baby. And tonight you'll get a surprise from me." said I.

After giving me a long, passionate kiss and a tight hug, Damian said goodbye to me. I could tell that he was very nervous, but I was sure that he and Benito (Bad Bunny) would give a great performance. The two of them had trained so much. Damian was proud to make his WrestleMania debut alongside a megastar. And of course both men were equally proud to represent their home country.

Many hours later, I was now sitting in the backstage area, looking captivated at one of the monitors. I was so excited. Just as I had expected, everything was going perfectly. I could hardly wait to hold Damian in my arms and tell him again and again how great he was and how overly proud I was of him.

Unfortunately, I hadn't had a chance to see him before his match. He was too busy with interviews, fan meet and greets, photo shoots, meetings and other preparations that he hardly had time to catch his breath.

When the match was over, I was on my way to finally meet my man. However, my knee injury hindered me a lot and I couldn't walk very fast.

"I knew I would find you here." I suddenly heard a voice say behind me. It was the sound of a voice I had always prayed I would never have to hear again. My blood froze in my veins and I stiffened for a moment. Then I slowly turned around.

"Richard... how... why... what?" I stuttered and took a few steps backwards.

"Let me guess... you want to know why I'm not in jail anymore? Oh, that's easy. There was a technicality and my lawyer was able to get me out that way. I'm surprised your lawyer didn't inform you though. And what am I doing here? I'm going to finish what I started. You didn't seriously think you got rid of me, did you?" he replied, following me step by step. 

I felt sick. This could only be a nightmare. My past had caught up with me again.

I turned around and wanted to run, but I couldn't. Because of my damn knee. A second later, he already had me in his claws. Why was there no one around to help me? Just when I wanted to scream for help, he held his hand over my mouth. 

With all my strength I tried to tear myself away from him, but it was no use. Richard had always been much stronger than me and knew exactly how to avoid my kicks. Why was there no one here?

"You don't even have to try, Y/N. You'll just die faster that way." he croaked in my ear and pushed something into my back. I knew from experience that it had to be a gun.

Tears streamed down my face as I prayed that someone would please show up to distract him. Again I tried to struggle free, but his grip would only tighten and become more painful.

Then I heard it. Voices that came closer. There were many of them. Or at least I hoped so. With everything I had I pushed myself against him. That's how I wanted to catch him off guard. It worked, because he stumbled a little and his iron grip on my arms and upper body loosened a little.

"HEY! Let go of her right now!" someone yelled. I recognized that voice immediately too, but this time I was so happy to hear it. It was Damian.

This was the opening I needed. The element of surprise. I quickly turned around and grabbed the gun, wanting to snatch it from Richard. The footsteps of the other people came closer. But they weren't fast enough, because suddenly a shot rang out.

"Y/N!" I heard Damian shout.

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