21 Impatient

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Now the day had finally come when we would find out what we were going to get. I was kind of a little nervous, even though I didn't know why. Damian was waiting for me in the living room as I got ready for the party in our bedroom.

I had ordered a maxi dress in light blue with pink cherry blossoms especially for the occasion. Although I was still not a huge fan of dresses, but I could not deny that they were pretty comfortable at the moment. And it was not so easy to find clothes that did not pinch everywhere or were too tight or slid up constantly.

When I was done, I looked in the mirror and smiled. I could hardly believe how big my bump had become. Slowly I slid my hands over my belly and felt the child moving inside me. It was probably the weirdest and at the same time the most beautiful feeling in the world.

Satisfied with my appearance, I made my way to the living room. We had to hurry a little to not be late for our own party.

"Are we ready to go?" I asked as I entered the room. Damian turned to me and dramatically put a hand over his heart.

"My goodness! Look at you, baby! You look stunning!" he gasped, striding toward me. Then he took my hands and held them away from my body so he could look at me closely.

"Amazing..." he whispered softly.

"I guess that means you like it?" I laughed.

"You bet I do! Let's get out of here before I get any other ideas!" he replied with a smirk.

"There's always later, baby!" I winked at him as he took my hand and led me out of the house to the car.

It didn't take long until we arrived at the location of the baby shower. Candice was already waiting impatiently for us at the door.

"You're finally here!" she exclaimed excitedly as we approached her.

"Yes! I'm sorry, I know we're a little late." I replied as I gave her a quick hug.

"No, everything is fine! The guest of honor is never late. Then let's go inside. The guests are waiting impatiently and I can't wait to see your faces. And then you can stop calling me and trying to figure out what the baby is going to be," she said as we walked towards the hall where the celebration was to take place.

"You did what?" asked Damian.

"Oh, you don't have to act so shocked, Mr. Priest! You called me, too! And Johnny, as well. So please don't act so innocent." replied Candice with a laugh before I could say anything in my defense.

"Okay, you guys ready?" asked Candice who was now holding the door handle and looking at us expectantly. Damian put his arm around my waist. Then he looked down at me and gave me a kiss on my hair.

"I guess we're ready," I replied while looking up at Damian.

Without further hesitation, Candice pushed open the door to reveal a dream of pink and lavender. The whole room was filled with balloons and streamers. There were flowers in these gorgeous colors on every table. It was perfect.

"We're having a girl?" I asked as tears welled up in my eyes and I looked back up at Damian.

He put his hand to my cheek and pressed his lips to mine for a gentle, loving kiss. Then he looked deep into my eyes and I could see that tears were coming to his eyes as well.

"Yes! You're having a girl!" confirmed Candice.

Immediately we were surrounded by our families, friends and colleagues. Everyone congratulated us and took us in their arms.

But I hardly noticed all that. My attention was completely focused on Damian. The proud look on his face let me know without words how happy he was at that moment.

The day went by in a flash. We ate and drank while talking with everyone. Then we played some fun games and unwrapped presents. I had no idea how many times tears welled up in my eyes that day, but it didn't matter because they were tears of joy.

Damian kept his promise to treat me like a queen. He hardly let me lift a finger and stayed close to my side almost all the time. Often he had a hand on my bump or my lower back.

Every time I looked at him with love, I couldn't help but imagine what he would be like with our daughter. I had no doubt that she would be a true daddy's girl. Because in a way she already was.

And one more thing was certain for me. No child in the world could wish for a better father than Damian.

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