7 Date night

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I was so excited about my first official date with Damian that it was hard for me to concentrate on getting ready. Shortly after we had decided to go out tonight, Damian had said goodbye to me. He told me not to worry about tonight. He had everything covered. I had no idea what he meant by that, but I decided not to think about it any further. What could he possibly plan on such short notice? All he said to me was to please be ready at 7pm.

I usually hated it when I didn't know something, but I decided to leave this evening entirely to Damian. Obviously he already had a plan in mind, even if I had no idea how he came up with an idea so quickly.

Just as I brushed the last creases out of my dress, the doorbell rang. It was the first time in years that I wore a dress. While it was long enough to cover all my scars, I was still a little self-conscious. All I wanted was to look good for my boyfriend. 

My boyfriend. Just the thought of him made me smile. I could hardly believe how much Damian had turned my life and my thinking upside down. And that within a few weeks. I went from not being able to stand him to being in love with him in a snap of a finger.

With a slightly trembling hand, I opened the door. Damn, he looked fucking good in that suit.

"My goodness, you look so handsome, Damian!" I said, reaching for his hand to pull him to me.

"Oh me? No, no. You look stunningly beautiful, baby!" he replied. It was the first time he had called me that, but boy, did I love the sound of it. The way he said it combined with the depth of his voice caused butterflies in my stomach.

After he gave me an loving kiss on the forehead, he took a step back.

"Is there something wrong? Don't you like it? I can go change quickly." I said hurriedly, because his look unsettled me a little. Just as I was about to go back to the bedroom Damian grabbed my wrist.

"You're not going anywhere. You look perfect. It's just that I wanted to enjoy the view. After all, it's the first time I've seen you in a dress. You just stunned me for a second." he replied, pulling me close to him by the waist. Without waiting for an answer, he leaned down and kissed me.

"Are we ready to go?" he whispered as he gently stroked my cheek.

"Mmh-hmm." I hummed and nodded.

Damian led me out of my apartment and then took my keys to lock the door.

I asked him a few times where we were going and what he was up to, but he kept telling me to be patient. Easier said than done. I just wanted to know. And Damian's cocky smirk didn't make it any better. But after a while we arrived at a marina. At first I thought that we would go to one of the restaurants there. Never in my life had I expected what he was really up to.

As we walked past the boats, Damian suddenly changed direction and stepped onto one of the pontoons. He held my hand and so I had no choice but to follow him. But then he stopped in front of a wonderful yacht.

"You have to take off your shoes, baby." he said to me when I didn't react.

"Damian, what have you done? What are we doing here?" l asked when I gathered myself.

"You and I are having dinner together while watching the sunset from the water." he explained to me proudly.

"You... you rented a yacht? When did you, I mean how..." l asked a little stunned.

"She belongs to a friend of mine and is anchored here most of the year. And to be perfectly honest, I've had this plan for a while. He told me I could use her any time I wanted. Even on short notice. I've prepared a pic-nic for us and the captain is about to take us out on the water where we'll have a magnificent view of the sunset and the city lights," Damian said. He was obviously very pleased with his plan.

I could not believe it. He had invested so much thought and time without even being sure if it would ever happen. And it was hard for me to understand that he did all this for me. Never before had someone done something so beautiful and thoughtful for me.

"This is most definitely the most romantic thing anyone has ever done for me, Damian. I love you!" I cried.

"Aww... come on, don't cry. I love you and you deserve nothing but the best. Shall we?" replied and pulled me into his strong arms to stroke my back soothingly.

Together we entered the yacht and greeted the captain. After we exchanged a few words with him, he started the boat and steered it out on the open water.

Damian and I spent the evening eating, talking and laughing. Always in touch. We both enjoyed our bond and the atmosphere of the evening. The sounds of the water and the seagulls. The light of the setting sun and the distant lights of the city.

I could hardly imagine a more beautiful first date and no better man to share it with.

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