26 Picture perfect

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I sat on the floor in the living room and watched contentedly as my little daughter lay on her play mat and babbled and cooed loudly to herself. I was glad that she seemed to feel a bit better now. Last night we had both been awake almost every hour. 

I did not really know what Lucia had. She had neither fever nor stomach ache. She did not spit up and did not show any other signs of illness. The only thing that was different was that Damian was on the road longer than usual this time. 

It seemed like our daughter was just as grumpy when she missed her Papá as he was when I talked to him on the phone. And I could not blame Lucia, I also missed Damian very much. It was nothing new for me, but it had been different since our little girl was born.

Only too gladly would I have been able to accompany him, but the long flight overseas and the tight schedule were simply unrealistic with a baby. But thankfully, those seemingly endless two weeks were finally over and my husband was now going to walk through the door of our home any minute.

Right on cue, the door opened and in walked the man we had both missed so much. With a big smile, I picked Lucia up and rose to my feet.

"Oh look angel, it's your Papá!" I said to her as I gently rocked her up and down.

"Hey my two beautiful loves! Man, did I miss you!" spoke Damian putting his suitcase aside and walking towards us with his arms wide open. He wrapped us in his arms and I immediately felt him relax a little. He also did not like to leave us alone for so long.

He loosened the tight embrace and leaned down to me and pressed his lips hard and demanding on to mine. It was so good to have him with us again. After a short time and a few pecks and an enthusiastic squeal from Lucia, Damian then gave his attention to the little person in my arms. 

"Mi ángel, you've grown so much! Come to Papá!" said Damian, reaching out his hands to the little girl. Immediately she leaned out of my arms toward her father. As soon as she settled into his arms, a soft, contented sigh was heard from both of them.

We spent the rest of the day spending time with each other. Time as a family was what the three of us craved most at the moment. It was so cute how Lucia's mood improved by the mere presence of Damian. Probably Damian would think that I had made up that Lucia had been fussy during his long absence.

Eventually it was time to put the little one to bed and spend our time together alone.

"When you're done showering, I have something I'd like to show you." I breathed into his ear as we stood tightly embraced in front of the door to the nursery and simply enjoyed the closeness of each other.

"Oh yeah? What is it?" Damian wanted to know right away, of course.

"Go take a shower and then I'll show you, baby!" I replied with a smirk.

"Be right back, mi querida!" he whispered against my lips and gave me a much needed kiss.

Now I sat in our bed and waited for Damian to come out of the bathroom. It wasn't long before the door opened and Damian came strolling into the bedroom. In nothing but a towel around his hips. I had to swallow, because it was getting really hard to concentrate. I swear he wore the towel so low that I could see his v-lines on purpose. Sneaky devil. I knew exactly what he was up to and I had nothing against it. On the contrary, but first I wanted to show him something.

"Alright, baby. What did you want to show me?" he asked.

"Here!" I said, handing him my phone so he could look at the pictures. I was a little nervous about what he would say.

A few days ago I had put on Damian's vest from the Royal Rumble and just a pair of white panties. Through the chains of the top my scars were clearly visible and of course the ones on my legs. I saw that he continued to swipe and found the picture with the caption.

For many years I felt the need to hide my flaws. I was too haunted by my past to fully open up to anyone. I shut people out and found a lot of excuses for my behavior.

It was only my wonderful husband who gave me back my confidence in myself with his love and trust. He taught me that despite everything that has happened to me, I am still standing.

And that is exactly what I want to teach our beautiful daughter. Do not be afraid. Be yourself. We all have things in our past that we would rather forget, but cannot. That our experiences shape us and make us who we are.

My scars are a part of me. A part I have hidden for a long time. But not anymore. I free myself from the urge to hide.

This would never ever have been possible without the greatest human being by my side. My rock. Damian, I love you and our daughter more than I ever thought possible. Thank you for never giving up. I love you.     ❤  Y/N

I saw Damian swallow as tears welled up in his eyes. He raised his gaze as I got up from the bed and stood in front of him.

"What do you think?" I asked nervously. My voice was no more than a whisper.

"This is... this is absolutely beautiful, Y/N! I'm so proud of you and I'm sure Lucia will be damn proud of you too once she's old enough to understand. You're an amazing woman, baby, and I'm proud that you're mine," he replied, then wrapped his arms tightly around my waist. He pulled me so close to him, nothing would fit between us anymore. 

His tongue invaded my mouth and caressed mine in a breathtaking rhythm. My hands slid from his strong shoulders over his chest down to his abs until I could finally loosen the towel.

Damian didn't waste a second. Immediately his lips moved to the spot on my neck that he knew made me weak. Finally, he lifted me up and carried me back to our bed. That night we celebrated the connection we had and luckily the baby slept through the night for the first time.

More than a game [a Damian Priest story]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang