10 Rumbling and growling

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The time went by so fast. It seemed like yesterday when we decided on our new home. And now we had already been living there for a few months. We celebrated our one year anniversary in the backyard and spent the first Christmas and New Year's in our home together.

I will certainly always remember the little things. For example, how we fooled around with the paint when we painted the walls in the living room. It ended up that we had more paint on us than on the walls.

Or how we chose our first Christmas tree. I wanted a tree that wasn't too big and overpowering, but Damian insisted on a huge tree. In fact, it was so big that it barely fit in the room. But in the end, everything looked perfect. With all the little lights and the colorful decorations.

But now was also the time for Damian's debut on the main roster. He had his big appearance at the Royal Rumble and would officially join RAW on Monday. Proudly I stood backstage and waited impatiently for his entrance.

I already missed our time together in NXT. From now on, we wouldn't be able to spend as much time together. That stung a bit, but hopefully it was worth it. With everything I had, I prayed that Damian wouldn't get lost in the shuffle of other people on the roster. 

Just as I was having these thoughts, Damian's music started playing and the audience cheered in excitement. He looked damn fine. I always loved that white ring gear. It made a gorgeous contrast to his complexion. With the chains and the tattoos... just yummy. He looked like a snack. And I would definitely enjoy that smack later that night.

Damian did so well and left a fantastic impression. It was great to see that he didn't just last a few minutes and even made eliminations. I had to bite my lip several times, that's how much his dominance excited me.

When he was eventually eliminated and came backstage again, everyone congratulated him on his great performance. I waited patiently until he had spoken to the officials and then finally came to me.

I stood on my tiptoes to put my arms around his neck. As usual, I didn't really succeed.

"I'm all sweaty." he warned me.

"I don't care," I mumbled, pulling him close to me.

"I'm so so so proud of you, baby! You did great. I love you so much." I whispered against his neck as we stood there tightly embraced, letting what had happened sink in.

"I love you, too. I can't wait to get home." he replied, sighing.

"Oh, I feel the same way. And just so you know... when we get home, you won't get to sleep for a while. The things you just did to me... mmh. But don't worry, baby, you don't have to do anything. I'll take good care of my man." I whispered seductively in his ear.

Immediately, a low but deep growl escaped him. A growl deep in his chest. Damian's hands gripped my hips tightly and he pulled me even closer to him.

"Y/N baby, you can't do this to me. Now I can't wait until we're alone." he groaned in my ear.

"I haven't done anything at all. Yet." I replied and smirked. 

"You should go freshen up now. And rest a little. You're in for a long night," I continued, slowly sliding my hands from his neck to his shoulders, over his chest and ribs. Gently, my hands moved to his butt. Damian gasped softly and looked around.

"Someone is very naughty today," he noted.

"No more than usual though. Now hurry up." I replied and stretched to give him a short but hard kiss. Before I broke away from him, I let my tongue gently and pleasantly glide over his lips.

Afterwards I walked away and made sure to sway my hips as I did so.

More than a game [a Damian Priest story]Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora