19 Special moments

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I woke up to soft whispers and light tickling on my belly. Slowly I opened my eyes and couldn't help but smile. Damian had his head leaning against my bump and was talking softly to our baby in Spanish.

It was really adorable how excited and in love he was. And even if I hardly understood a word of what he said, I was sure that they were loving words. The time went by way too fast for my taste. There were only three months to go. I would have loved to have more time to enjoy these special moments.

The only good thing was that I could always accompany Damian now, since I myself could no longer wrestle. It was great to be able to see him the whole week. Even if it became more and more exhausting for me. 

The only thing that annoyed me a little was that our little darling still kept us on the edge of our seats as far as his gender was concerned. Every time we went to the doctor we had the hope that the baby would finally lie in such a way that the doctor could tell us what it would be. But until now this hope had always remained in vain.

This tension was almost unbearable, although we didn't care at all whether the baby was a boy or a girl. I just wanted to know so much. Because to be completely honest, it really sucked to only be able to buy neutral things for the baby. I mean, that was fine for the stroller and the furniture, but the clothes were tough.

"Good morning Papá!" I said softly.

"Good morning, baby! Papá?" he replied as he lifted his head to look at me.

"Yes. Since you only speak Spanish to him/her anyway, it fits perfectly. And I like the sound of it." I explained, running my hand through his hair.

"You're right, Mama. Did you sleep well? How's the little one doing?" asked Damian as he moved closer to me and gave me a gentle good morning kiss.

"We slept well. Finally, for a change. It really helps if you talk to him/her before bed. It seems to calm the baby down. I hope it stays that way once it arrives," I said laughing.

"That would definitely be helpful," he agreed.

"Say, are you free today? I'd really like to start painting the nursery. Oh, and maybe we can get some of the furniture set up already." I wanted to know as I sat up in bed.

"Sure. Let's go to the Home Depot later to get everything we need to paint. Do you have any idea what color we're going to use? Because I have no idea." he replied as he sat down close to me and stroked my belly. I put my hand on his and enjoyed the warmth and soothing effect of his hand.

"Hmm... I think we'll paint everything white for now, with maybe some light gray accents. Once we know if our angel is a girl or boy, we can add wall stickers or wallpaper. Or just some colorful accessories and decorations. It's not ideal, but it's not like we can change it right now." I said to him.

"Sounds like a plan. Do you have the gift registry ready for the baby shower yet? Candice is getting impatient." asked Damian.

"No, not yet. It's really hard. And I don't want to have to return everything afterwards, you know. And all the neutral stuff is so boring!" I whined.

"You hear that, mi ángel? Maybe at your next doctor's appointment, you should bring yourself to finally let us know if you're a boy or a girl," Damian said to my bump and then kissed it.

"I was already thinking about canceling the party and having a little postpartum celebration," I said.

"Out of the question! You'll get your party, where we can treat you like a queen," he replied stubbornly and with a tough look.

"Okay fine. Now take that oil and rub my belly please. The scars are so sore." I surrendered.

"You got it," Damian said with a grin, jumped out of bed and got the oil from the bathroom.

It was really good for my scars, but in addition I enjoyed the closeness and tenderness in these moments even more.

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