23 Arrival

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"Ow... here comes the next one!" I wailed as we pulled up in front of the hospital entrance.

"We'll be right there, mi querida." replied Damian and I heard the panic in his voice.

He stopped the car, got out and came over to my side to help me get out. An administrator and a nurse were already coming towards us. They immediately put me in the wheelchair and brought me inside. Behind me I overheard a man offering to park the car for Damian.

Immediately he was at my side again, holding my hand tightly while he had the bag in the other.

"We'll quickly finish your registration and then we'll take you to a room." the nurse said to me as I was pushed through the hallways of the hospital.

"Good idea, because my water just broke," I gasped as the next contraction came.

"At what intervals do your contractions come now?" someone asked.

"Every 7 minutes!" replied Damian breathlessly while filling out the form for me and pulling the other papers out of the hospital bag.

"Okay, then we have everything. Ms. L/N, the doctor will be right with you. " the nurse spoke.

I was taken to a room, changed, and hooked up to the various machines. Shortly after, the doctor came into the room and examined me. At this point, my cervix was 3 centimeters dilated. Apparently it would take a little while after all. It looked like we all had a long night ahead of us.

Every half an hour the doctor came to see how much progress I was making. I was making progress, but it wasn't fast enough for me. Two hours passed, then three and then four. At this point I was really hoping that our little girl wouldn't keep me waiting for 24 hours or more. Of course, that wasn't unusual, but I could well do without it.

After five hours in the hospital, the doctor informed us that my cervix was now fully dilated and that it was time to deliver the baby.

Fortunately, it didn't take long at this point and soon the first piercing cries of our daughter could be heard. She had quite a voice.

Exhausted and happy, I leaned back and took a deep breath. Damian, who hadn't left my side the whole time, kissed my forehead as they put the little one on my chest.

"I am so proud of both of you. You guys made it through. She is so perfect. Thank you, mi querida!" whispered Damian.

I looked over at him and saw the proud expression on his face.

"Thank you!" I whispered back and gave him a loving kiss.

Then we both gave our attention to the little being on my chest. We were both in awe of this little life we had created.

"Welcome to the world my angel." whispered Damian to her. I smiled tiredly.

"Alright then. We'll quickly wash, weigh and measure the little one. You'll get her right back." the midwife said as she took our daughter into her arms after a few minutes.

Damian took the opportunity to hold me tightly in his arms. He just held me like that for a few minutes.

"Does your daughter already have a name?" the midwife asked.

"Yes, she does. Lucia Angelina." replied Damian. I loved how it sounded when he said her name.

"Okay then. What last name are we going with? L/N or does she get Daddy's last name?" she then wanted to know.

"It's Priest. After all, we should all have the same name." replied Damian, confusing me.

"What do you mean? All the same name..." I continued.

"Oh, well, I figured there was no better moment than this to ask you to be my wife. So... Y/N L/N, love of my life, mother of my daughter, will you do me the honor and become my wife?" asked Damian suddenly as he took something small out of his pocket. It was a small box. When he opened it, it showed the most beautiful ring I had ever seen.

"My goodness! Yes! Of course yes!" I cried and pulled him to me. Through the kiss, I felt him smile.

"Thank you baby." he spoke against my lips.

"Congratulations my dears. And here is someone who wants to congratulate her parents too." said the midwife and then carefully placed Lucia in her Papá's arms.

I took my time to let this moment sink in. My gaze rested on the two most important people in my life and the feeling of love and completeness consumed me. I could say with certainty that I had never been so happy in my life.

Damian had managed to make this special day even more beautiful.

"I just remembered... Was that what you had to get?" I wanted to know as I glanced at the ring that now sparkled on my hand.

"Yes, that's right." he confirmed.

"Your Papá is so sly, Lucia. He knew exactly what he was doing. And that's why I love him so much." I said to my little one.

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