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You spent two weeks alone after the incident with Jin.

Almost as if it were a punishment for opening your mouth. No, not almost. It was a punishment. Not even your tongue-less maids came to visit you. You would simply wake in the morning to your breakfast on the small table by the window.

You'd stumble into the library around lunchtime to find your meal waiting for you. At dinner you'd return to your bedroom to find your small table once again filled with food.

You had tried multiple times to catch one of the maids, even if it was just Sanria or Iseul. Each time they seemed to catch on, as if they were still truly in the wing and watching you.

For the first few days of your solitary confinement, you expected one of the princes to pop up around every corner with something harsh to say about your questioning of things. Their constantly changing personalities confused you and made you feel helpless. How could you ever learn to manipulate them when they took over a different personality seemingly every other hour?

By the end of the first week, you finally caught on to what was happening. You didn't know how long they had planned to keep you alone, but you were sure that it was another tactic to make you believe that you needed them, that you needed to be obedient.

While you were wandering around the empty wing all day every day, you were sure that they were lounging in their luxurious rooms and planning on how to kill their parents. You knew that no matter what you said to them, you wouldn't be able to stop it from happening.

Jin and Jimin's reactions to your obvious distaste towards their future actions showed you that there was more to their relationship with their parents than you knew of. A normal person should hear them out, try to understand why they were so okay with it that didn't revolve around you.

But you didn't have time to delve deep into their emotional problems and past trauma. Besides, you wondered if maybe their mother could help you if you exposed their deadly plans. Maybe she could help you run from them...

During your second week alone, you formulated a plan to enter the south wing and speak to the Queen. You knew of the tunnels that you had used before, however you were sure that there were guards placed inside. Walking straight out of the wing would also be risky.

You could never seem to catch one of your maids, so you couldn't ask one of them for help either...but-

It was your twelfth day alone when you finally remembered the hidden away doors that belonged to the maids. As soon as the realization struck you, your plan was quickly drawn out and finalized.

On the fifteenth day, you worked up the courage to dress yourself in one of the most comfortable, least fancy dresses in your wardrobe. Then you snuck into the maids closet closest to your bedroom and stuffed yourself into a large silver cart with a cloth hanging over the edges.

You waited for hours, growing impatient and restless. Your joints ached from remaining in one position for so long, and you were growing thirsty. You were about to kick your leg out to avoid a cramp when suddenly the door creaked open.

You stilled your breathing and prayed that whoever was in the room was unable to hear your beating heart, which was thumping wildly against your chest. There was a single set of footsteps that approached the cart. A second later, and you began to move.

It was at a turtles pace, and your leg was continuing to grow a cramp that would no doubt spring tears to your eyes. Your leg was seconds away from jerking against your will when the cart finally stopped again. The sound of another door opening, then the cart being pushed in.

A SEALED FATE: Emeralds and Blood (BTS)Where stories live. Discover now