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This whole chapter is Alberto's POV

I wake up, what has it been... weeks? Months? Since I went up to the surface. I've been living in Luca'a old house I wonder how he is doing, Luca... I began crying into the ball I was already curled up into. I didn't want to think of him but I couldn't find any other place to stay so I had to stay where I was. I stayed in the house as much as possible and only went out if it was absolutely necessary, I hadn't gone up to the surface because it reminded me too much of what once was good. The house wasn't so bad, it felt cozy and I didn't think of Luca as much as the first... month was it? During the first two weeks I had been crying myself to sleep but soon I learnt how to bottle my feelings and never release them. I wore a tired expression on my face everyday, I was void, void of any emotion except sadness which I would release every now and then in private. 43 days have passed since Luca and Giulia got here... a little more than a month before I get to leave this place and go back to the surface not worrying about confronting them. I sighed heavily as I laid in Luca's bed curled up into my own cozy ball. I didn't feel like exploring, I didn't feel like moving, I didn't feel anything at all. Soon I sprawled out onto the bed arms and legs dangling from the edges, I looked up at the ceiling wondering what changes were there since he left. Nobody has come looking for me here which is a good sign... right? Or do they just not care about me? I thought of Massimo as a father, certainly he would come for me! But do I want to go back? No! It's best for me if I stay here. "It's a good thing Alberto is gone huh Luca?" I can imagine Giulia ask "Sure is! Now we can be together without him annoying us!" I hear a voice, the voice that broke me. Luca. Although I knew it was just my imagination it still hurt, What if its not like that at all? It has to be! No 'best friends' would just kiss each other, they have to be dating! UGH! I wonder... what would it be like to go back? As I wondered, I heard movement from outside and different voices. "Are you sure he's in here?" Someone said, the voice sounded very familiar "He has to be! Otherwise how will I tell him?" I knew that voice. I swam out of the back window and ducked right below it to listen to the voices. "Why do you want to find him so badly Luca?" It was his mother, now I remember, "BECAUSE I LOVE HIM MOM! AND I MESSED EVERYTHING UP AND NOW HE'S GONE!" Luca shouted I flinched a little. "Oh Luca, you should have told us that from the beginning. Lets go home for now Luca we can search for him again in the future." His mother said I peeked into the house and I see a crying Luca being carried by his mother. He loved me? It can't be, he was trying to trick me!

But what if it was real?

Reunited (On Hold) [Luca x Alberto fan fiction]Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora