This Isn't "Goodbye", Its "See You Later"

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Alberto POV:

I watch with teary eyes as Luca boards the train to his school with Guilia. We had bid each other goodbye and had let our tears flow freely, I gave him one last kiss which lasted a few seconds until he was pulled away by Giulia. Luca sniffled and waved at me and Guilia tried shouting her farewells to me from the train but the loud sounds had drowned her out, she let out an annoyed groan which caused me to let out a laugh.

Massimo walked up to me and stood beside me. He laid his heavy hand on my shoulder causing me to let out a huff of air due to its weight. I wiped a tear from my eye as the train began moving, I watched as the train went into the tunnel until all I could see was a small puff of smoke from when the train exited the tunnel.

"Year after year and it still hurts to watch them go huh?" Massimo's voice could be heard from behind me but I didn't want to turn around, hoping with all my heart that the train would turn around and come back. Of course it didn't.

"Come Alberto, I say we have some spaghetti." I nodded as I slowly turned away from the station and Massimo and I left for the house.

After a few minutes of walking we arrived at the front of the house and Massimo headed in without me. I looked around Portorosso and all thee children within it and I stepped into the house after a while. I see Massimo cutting up some fish while singing to some kind of singer which I didn't know what they were singing. Some other language I guess. I remembered the first time I had seen Massimo like this, it was when Luca and I first came in the house when Guilia invited us.


I must miss him so much more than I had anticipated. 

"Uhm, Massimo? I'm just going to walk around Portorosso for a bit" I walked to the door and opened it a little, "Alright then, come back soon" I headed out the door and took in the scenery around me. I walked over to the fountain to sit down.

I plopped myself onto the edge of the fountain and watched as a few children kicked around a ball and tried to tackled the ball from each other. It provided some form of entertainment and distraction from the sadness of Luca leaving. I laid my head down on the hard rock and closed my eyes eventually drifting off to sleep.


Eventually I woke up, it was almost dark as the last rays of sunlight streaked across the growing blue of the night sky. I sat up and heard splashing from beside me. I look at where the noise had come and I saw a boy, about my age, kicking his feet in the water. "Ah so you are alive" He joked around.

I scooch over to him and dip my legs into the water and my feet turn into my scaly self from my foot to just a little above my ankle. He seemed shocked at first until his face turned into pure excitement.

"Cool" He rubbed his foot against mine and I flinched at the sudden contact.

"Who are you?" I asked him, "Oliver" He holds his hand out to me. "Alberto" I shake his hand. "What are you doing out here?" He asks me, "Oh! Massimo! I got to go, see you!" I call out to him as I run towards the house. I open the door and see a plate of spaghetti with a note on it.

'Eat this whenever


The note read. 

I pull the cling wrap from the plate and I dig in to the delicious food. I silently thank Massimo in my head. 

After I finished I washed the dishes and opened the doors to Giulia's room. It was my room when Giulia was away to school with...


I opened up her window and peered  out into the starry night. Anchovies. I thought to myself. My eyes trailed to the now empty fountain. He had glanced at the boy he had seen just then. Brown silky hair with amber eyes, although I had not seen him standing up straight, I assumed he was as tall as me if not taller. 

Oliver. A nice name. I had made up my mind to try and find him the next night and talk more with him. But for now sleep was the first priority.

I plopped myself on Guilia's bed. Massimo had said that he would have a room for me a while back. I should ask him about that I though as sleep finally came.

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