Tell Him

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Alberto POV:

I wake up feeling refreshed and ready. I look at the clock on the wall, 2:17. Oh its the afternoon on Thursday, if it even is the same day... 

How long was I asleep for?

Naps are weird.

Anyways, my brain was still not functioning, not that it ever is. I feel like there is something I need to do but I can't put my finger on it.

I open the door and it creaks, "Luca?" I call out but I receive no answer. I step out and feel the cold wood on my bare feet I shiver because off it but I continue walking. In the dining room I see a note taped to the the table.



If you are reading this it means that I went out to grab some groceries, my parents went out with my grandma to visit our neighbors out in the sea. We should go back out there some time.

Maybe we should go on the weekends, we can bring everyone and have a picnic or something. Just spitting out random ideas that we may or may not do. 

Anyways, I made you some spaghetti I tried making it like Massimo would. I hope you enjoy it.

I'll be back at around 6 or earlier so maybe hang out with the others today, don't want them to feel left out don't we?



Well it was probably still Thursday then. 

6 huh? What can I do with the others. 

I'll figure that out later.

I walked towards Massimo's house and as I reached to open the gate Massimo stumbled out carrying some crates which made me scream and fall backwards.

"Ah, Alberto. Sorry about that." Massimo said as he laid the crate down and lent me a hand.

"It's fine Massimo I was just startled" I reply clutching my heart to check my heart rate. "I was going to see Guilia, is she here?" I asked, "Yes she's up in her room playing Uno with Oliver. I don't get the game by the way." Massimo whispered the last part to me which made me laugh.

"Anyways Alberto, I need to get to work. See you later?" He says as he picks up the crates, "Yeah, see you later Massimo." 

"Guilia?" I called out as I climbed up her tree, I see her head peak out and she waved at me. "Hey Albertooooooo. How was last night?" She teased. I pushed her back inside with my palm as I jumped into her room. pay

I see Oliver pondering something on her bed.

I jump on her bed to get Oliver's attention. "Hey" I say while lying on my back, "Hello" He smiles back.

We spent the day playing card and board games, at one point we went out to get ice cream. It was great. I told them that Luca had a plan to go on a picnic tomorrow and if they wanted to come which they said yes.

We spent a few hours just talking about life, about friends, about things...


'...if you do then just tell him!...'

'...I'm with her on this one, just do it... wouldn't hurt to try...'

'...what's the worst that could happen?...'

'...alright alright I'll do it! Now stop poking me!...'


I played with my fingers nervously.

I left Guilia's house just a few minutes ago and was just waiting in Luca's room for him to come back.

It was 5:57 so he was bound to come back soon.

As if on cue the door knob jiggled and I heard the creak of the door open. "Alberto could you help me with this!?" He called from the doorway.

I rushed down to help and saw the giant pile of vegetables, meat and other foods that I had not idea Luca liked. I took the bag from his hands, unintentionally brushing past his hand which caused me to get butterflies.

His hands are still so soft after all this time.

We were sitting down at the dinner table after arranging where the items would go.

"Hey Luca..." I began

"Hmm?" He turned to me. "I uhm, I was wondering about... about us." I look down at my fingers which were intertwined. "What about us?" He questioned.

"I am wondering whether or not you would...

I'm just gonna end it there

Lets see...

If I get one comment saying that Luca rejects Alberto then that is what I will do.


Have a good day. ^-^

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