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Luca POV:

Most of the next few days were spent just hanging out with Guilia and Alberto around Portorosso.

Although there was a though that lingered in my mind for the past few days. "Hey Alberto?" I call out to him from the sandy shore, near the place Alberto had crashed the bike. I laughed at the memory.

Alberto swam out of the water, shaking himself dry while splashing water onto me. "Oops" He faked surprise, I shook myself dry and patted the ground beside me indicating for him to sit down. A look of worry replaced the previous look of playfulness.

"What's up Luca?" He sat down beside me and placed his hand on mine. "Three days." You state, "Three days until?" Alberto look at me confused, "Guilia and I will have to leave for school again. Have you made up your mind?" I look at Alberto. I hoped with all my heart that he would come with me but if he didn't want to go to school, well, I wouldn't force it on him.

He let out an audible sigh as he stared up at the orange tinted sky. Sadness now quite visible on his face.

"Sorry if I killed the mood." I apologized looking down. "I've been thinking about that anyways, don't worry" He gave me a small kiss on the cheek gaining a giggle out of me. 

Alberto POV:


Luca was right, I am afraid to go there. 

But why?

Was it because I'm scared I will fail? Was it because I was scared of the new environment?

But although this all terrified me, I wanted to be with Luca as much as I could. Almost one whole year we had been apart. One whole year without my two best friends, how had I lived liked that? 

"Luca..." He looked at me hopefully, "Oh god. This has all been so hard on me to choose, I admit that I am scared to go but I can't stand to be without you anymore. I'm so torn on staying here and going with you." He holds my hand and intertwines our fingers, "Alberto, I won't force you to go. Choose what you would like to do alright?" I give him a small nod. "I- I don't think I want to go to school." He gives me a sad smile which hid his disappointment quite well however he was disappointed, I knew.

"Well that's alright. We will still see each other over the summers then" He says in a cheery voice and he turned away releasing my hand.

It felt cold with his the absence of his hand. Cold.

We sat there in silence after that, both of us watching the sun set over the horizon. "L-" I tried "Its alright Alberto" He cut me off, "Its ok, it really is..." His voice trailed off with those last few words.

I walk over to Luca and  crouch down beside him, he looks up at me with teary eyes. "Oh Luca" I wipe them from his eyes and he sniffled. He hugs me tightly and I hug back without hesitation. "I'm scared to be away from you Alberto. We've gone though so much together, I don't want to leave you alone again." He cried into my back, "I won't be alone Luca, I have Massimo" I try comforting him.

"We still have three days left, lets make the most of it alright?" He nods, "But to do that, you need to get ahold of yourself and cheer up!" I lift him up onto his feet and he lets out a small little chuckle while wiping some tears from his eyes.

I take a few steps forward and I hold my hand out to him. He takes it and I pull him closer to me as I begin walking towards the town of Portorosso. We walk to the fountain and stare into it's clear blue water. The moon was starting to come out as the sky was a light blue and darker blue instead of the previous orange, yellow and red of the sun set.

"See you tomorrow Luca" I smile at him lightly, "See you Alberto" He returns the smile with one of his own. I pull him until both of our chests were touching, I was slightly taller that Luca so he had to look up slightly. 

I kiss him. One long and loving kiss. "I love you Luca, you know that right?" I ask as we pull away, "Of course, I love you too Alberto." He says and both of us part ways and head home for the night.

HI Sorry bout updating this late BUTTTTTTT Here you go!!!

I missed posting from you guys and I will try to post more from now on.

Reunited (On Hold) [Luca x Alberto fan fiction]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt