The Sound of Closure

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Alberto POV:

I wake up holding someone in my arms. At first I didn't know who it was, but as I looked down I see Luca's sleeping face cuddled into my chest. 

I think back on what had happened the day before.

 I recall everyone coming over... Then dinner... But before that... Oh right. 

We got together again. I smiled to myself as I played with his hair, holding him a little bit tighter.

I hear soft groaning sounds and shuffling which causes me to break my train of thoughts. "Mornin' Alberto" I hear Luca say as he yawns in my face, "Yeesh, morning breath. Morning." I reply as I peck his cheek lightly.

He sits up and stretches his back with a few cracks. I join him as we exit his room, hands intertwined. 

I see his parents (I can't remember their names ;-;) reading a newspaper and sipping on some coffee in the dining room.

They greet me and Luca and tell us there was breakfast ready for us. A plate of left over spaghetti laid on the table for us.

We started to eat and his parents leave to watch the news. We slurp on the delicious noodles and our lips connect. I chuckle with Luca, as he keeps eating his food I just stare a him.

"What? Not hungry?" Luca asks me, "I'm hungry, just not for spaghetti." I bite my lip. He slaps my arm while choking on his food.

Luca POV:

I choke on my food in shock and begin giggling

"Shhhh! We only just got back together, want me to break up with you again?" I tease him. I feel bad as I watch his face turn from joking to terrified. "Sorry sorry. I won't say that again." He clung to arm with loving eyes.

I snicker and peck his cheek. "Joking. Of course." He looks so fed up with me at that point but I don't really mind and I continue to eat. 

He steals my fork away and twirls some noodles on it. I look on in confusion as he leads the fork towards my mouth. I open my mouth as I wait for him to feed me but he turns the fork away and eats the food.

I stare at him, mouth open in shock. He smirks at me as he continues feeding himself, but then he puts the fork in front of my mouth again. I open my mouth slightly, believing that he would just trick me again. He pulls my lower jaw down and sticks the fork in my mouth, I groan slightly at the sudden movement of my lower jaw but I still eat it anyways.

I move out of my seat to sit on his lap as he keeps taking turns feeding me and himself. The silence in the room was apparent and yet it wasn't awkward. We were basking in each other's company. 

The few knocks at my door was what broke the calm serenity that was our breakfast.

I open the door only to see Guilia and Oliver standing outside. Alberto who was further away from the door smiled when he saw them. I was smiling lightly too of course, they were my friends too after all. 

"Hey guys!" Guilia says cheerfully as she walks in, "Good to see y'all again" Oliver follows behind her.

"Ah, Morning you two." My mother greets as she walks into the kitchen. "Any plans for today you kids?"

Alberto POV:

"We're not kids mom!" My lover whines and I pull him to my side. His mother smiles warmly and goes on to prepare some food for herself I presume. He gives me a cute smile, "What do you guys think about going on a little picnic today?" I ask. "I don't mind" Oliver says as he looks to Guilia, "I'm down." She says nodding  towards me.

"Alright you two go and pack things you think we might need. Oh Guilia, tell Massimo about our plans, ask him if he can prepare us some food. After you guys get ready meet us at the fountain." She nods and the two of them leave.

Luca looks at me. I smile as he pecks my cheek lightly, "What do you think we should pack?"

"Don't forget to pack some first aid Luca." He groans which causes me to chuckle, "We're not kids mom!" She just chuckles and walks out of the kitchen holding a sandwich. 

Luca sighs and lays his chin on my shoulder, "We should probably pack some marshmallows or something. I think we can make some smores tonight." He says and I watch as he goes around the house taking out items we could use during the picnic. I go into his room and search for a bag, eventually I find one and we head to meet the rest. "Alright you two take care now." Luca's dad says, "Take care of Luca for us Alberto." I nod and give them a reassuring smile.


Guilia POV:

I walk back and forth in my room trying to see if I forgot anything before leaving the house. I could always come back but I'm the type of person who like to make sure everything is ready.

I hear a few short knocks on my door, I look as Oliver opens my door. "You ready?" He was carrying a sling bag and some sunglasses were perched on his head. "Yeah, what are you bringing?"

"Nothing much, just some daily necessities like bandages, water things like that." He replies as we walk to the front door. 

"Guilia, I've prepared some food for the others and I also some extra left over pasta is in here." My dad says and I get handed a basket which was relatively heavy. "Thanks papa." I give him a hug and say my goodbyes.

Luckily we live quite close to the fountain. We waited for a few minutes until the others show up it was about 10:30 at the time. "What took you guys so long?" Oliver asks, "Luca was too busy whining about not being a kid." Alberto jokes which gets him an elbow jab from Luca. 

"Cmon, I know a good spot." Luca motions us to follow him. As we follow him I can't help but feel a sense of familiarity to the direction we are going in. Almost like I've been there but I can't remember. We walked through a sort of forest until we reached a cliff. The cliff.

Luca POV:

It had been a while since I had been here.

I take a deep breath and I walk towards the edge, I sit down and dangle my legs over the edge. Alberto joins me after settling in a bit, I lean my head against his shoulder. 

"Luca," Alberto softly calls my name, "How have you been these days? Are you... feeling alright?" I raise my head and he looks towards me with concern and guilt in his eyes. I gently connect our lips and pull away after some time, "I'm more than alright Alberto" I give him a warm smile. "I brought you all here because I never really took the time to admire how beautiful the scenery is." I announce to the others as they join us along the cliff.

The waves lightly crashing against the jagged rocks below was calming. 

It cleared my mind. Assured me that everything was going to be alright.

It was a very big difference from when I first came here. The betrayal I felt was voided and the anger subsided.

It was calming, it cleared my mind of all negativities. "I'm glad," Alberto put his hand on my thigh, "I'll do anything to keep you from disappearing again." Oliver and Guilia smiled at me too, "We, will do anything. We are also your friends after all." Guilia piped up and she lays her hand on my shoulder. I pull them both into a group hug. 

"We haven't really had much time to know each other and we didn't really meet under the best of circumstances but I hope that you don't hate me after everything." The three of us look up at Oliver, "The past is already behind us, there's no use in wishing what had happened was different. C'mere." I motioned for him to join the hug with my free hand.

"Thank you guys, for not giving up on me..."

Wow that's interesting. I completely forgot about this book.


Sorry if you guys were waiting for me to update it. I was taking some time to take care of my life and relationships.

If you've stuck around for this long I wanted to let you know how much I appreciate you all <3. Thank you!!!


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2022 ⏰

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