Introduction and Explaination

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(Feel free to skip this part. It just explains some things and what not. Oh and once again, like in Crew Bending, I will have my assistant ranter Scraggles16 helping with half of the dialogue and stuff, by stuff I mean pieces of plot. An example of her work, the final fight scene in the last book. She came up with the majority of the scene.)

I welcome you all to this story, and for all of you who like a bit of an explanation, then well you have come to the right place. Not the left one, no one likes the left place.

Anyway, this story is a sequel to Crew Bending. So if you didn't read that one, then I recommend you read it before this one, because well, you will be very confused, and will have mostly no idea of what is going on. So, go, go. This will be here when you return.

Okay so for all of you who didn't read Crew Bending yet have. Good. Now I can continue.

So in this story the group of American idiots, and the Crew will now be the trainers. So they have to find their benders/students, by traveling throughout the world, and what not.

Once they collect their students, they can begin training them. But what they don't know is that the BITD is planning something, something that could destroy the world, okay maybe not quite the world, but at the very least them.

So yeah, that's the very basic plot and stuff. You'll learn the details from the actual story.

Oh and the time line of this will be 2 years after the BITD War. Because that's how long it'll take the blood moon to come back. (Cuz I'm making it that way. So don't question me. It's totally not because I wanted the girls to be done with schooling or anything).

Okay... So. I think that's all I need to clarify and stuff. And yeah.

So, now that this explanation is done with. You may now go and read the sequel. (I know some of you were very hyped for it. So here it is)....

Onward to the actual story. *hunts down a cape and proceeds to "fly" to the Prologue*

**Note: I do not own any (or most if I decide to draw) of the pictures, they belong to their respective owners, which probably came from Google Images...**

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