Chapter 10.5: Ghost?

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The benders tried to have the most normal day they could have. The students tried training, and the trainers tried to teach them. It was difficult for all of them though, after what all has happened. No one knew what the BITD was planning next, there was no way they could even attempt to predict it.

So overall the day went by relatively quickly, and pretty quietly. And there was still no sign of Jessica. The next morning was when things began to get interesting.

Evanz, wanting to have something from Jessica with him, had her 3DS in his room. But when he woke up the next morning, it was gone. So being slightly annoyed, he went to the girls' room; the girls shared a room because there was only four trainer rooms and they were the only one's willing to share a room.

"What are you doing here?" Morgan asked, pausing her conversation with Richelle, as soon as she saw Evanz.

"You should know why." Evanz replied, thinking one of the two took the 3DS back.

The two girls watched as he grabbed the 3DS and began to leave.

"I didn't take it." Morgan quickly said, "I thought you brought it back in the middle of the night."

The day went by more normal than the previous day. And soon the next day arrived.

Evanz awoke to the 3DS being gone from his room yet again. So he went to go get it again. This time there was no one in the room for him to be annoyed at with them moving the 3DS again.

As he picked up the 3DS, a note fell out of it; Stop moving my DS! It stays here!

Being slightly confused by the note, Evanz ignored it, thinking it was just the girls trying to annoy him even more.

The next day was different, Evanz woke up to the 3DS still laying on his desk, but the only thing different was there was a note now; Fine..... It can stay here... But here and only here! Move it again, and I may break your fingers.

The day went by like it should have. Training, breaks, and overall chatting. The biggest difference was the tension between Evanz and Morgan, who kept blaming each other on the moving 3DS.

The next day was where things went wrong.

Rage was one of the last to get up to start the day. So he left his room, and wandered the empty halls. He didn't walk very far when he began to sense someone was there.

So Rage quickly went into stealth mode, and used his powers to see if he could find out who the someone was. Not too much longer later, he noticed a person sneaking through the halls. It was clear they were trying not to be noticed.

Rage nodded to himself, and went through an internal 'okay' montage. Once he believed himself to be ready, he rounded the corner where he last saw the person. And sure enough they were there. Unluckily for them, their back was to Rage so they never noticed him coming.

Before the person could even know what was happening, they were earth bended to the wall, and stuck there.

"Who are you?" Rage asked, trying to sound as smug as he could.

The person refused to respond, rather they moved their head down so the hood they was wearing covered more of their head and face. It was when they did that, when Rage became more suspicious, and it was when he noticed the BITD logo on the outfit the person was wearing.

"You work for the BITD?!" Rage half shouted, half whispered.

Like before the person didn't respond. Sadly for them, Evanz happened to be walking by to see Rage holding this person to the wall.

"Rage?" Evanz asked, getting the attention of the two people there.

"Evanz, glad you're here, maybe you can help me get some information out of this BITD worker." Rage said, gesturing to the person stuck to the wall.

Hearing the words "BITD worker" was enough Evanz needed to help bombarding the person with questions.

"Where's Jessica?!" Evanz snapped.

This time the person simply shook their head back and forth, still not speaking, trying desperately to hide their face.

"Hey. It's kind of rude to not look your interrogators in the face." Rage said, grabbing the top of the hood.

"NO! Please!" The person shouted, their voice sounding feminine.

Rage smirked and went to pull the hood off, but Evanz stopped him.

"Wait, I know that voice." Evanz quickly said.

"No you don't." The person said, clearing trying to change the sound of their voice.

"Yes I do." Evanz said, quickly pulling the hood off to uncover their face.

The two looked in horror as they saw who the person was.

"I swear! I can explain!" The girl said, refusing to make eye contact.

"Jessi-" Evanz began to say, his voice full of betrayal.

"Please Evanz! I can explain!" Jessica said, desperately trying to explain what was going on.

"Go ahead and explain! We would love to hear why you, of all people, betrayed us." Rage responded.

"I- I- I can't! Please! You have to let me leave!" She pleaded.

"Why should we?!" Evanz shot back.

"I'm sorry! I don't want any of you to get hurt-"

"Too late for that." Evanz replied, no emotion in his voice.

"Guys... I am so so so so sorry! But you have to let me leave." Jessica tried to convince them.

"Hey guys!" Morgan shouted from down the hall, not seeing who Evanz and Rage was talking to.

Before either one of them could tell her what was going on, she suddenly began to convulse on the spot, it was clear she was being electrocuted.

In the sudden panic, Rage rushed over to Morgan to see if she was okay, lowering the rock hold he had on Jessica. Once Jessica landed on the ground, her escape was blocked by Evanz.

"Jessica! I trusted you. We trusted you!" Evanz said, complete betrayal filling his voice, "And after all that, you do that to one of your best friends!?"

"Let me-"

"No. You listen to me. You betrayed us. You played us like we were nothing but pawns. I want you out of here and I don't want to see you back." Evanz said, taking Jessica to the exit.

He quickly air bended her towards the forest. And went back to check on Rage and Morgan. Jessica ran off, trying not to feel as broken as she actually was.

She lost all her friends, her boyfriend who know one knew about, and she lost all the trust she ever had with anyone. She nearly was the cause of Morgan being electrocuted to death.

Luckily when Evanz arrived, Morgan was still out cold, but clearly breathing. Evanz and Rage sighed, knowing they needed to have a very important discussion when Morgan woke up.

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