Chapter 6: Trust is Amusing

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Several days have passed since Reese and Charlie's adventure with Kaitlin's killer cookies. The past few days were nothing special, the most interesting thing was Morgan dangling Reese and Charlie over the ocean with some water, threatening their lives because they happened to take one of her pizza coupons. Let's just say after about five dunks in the salt bath, the two learned their lesson.

Today despite the benders getting along decently well, was a trust day. Their trainers have been planning this since well, they became trainers.

The seven of them began to discuss today's events over some breakfast.

"Guys!" Morgan shouted, swallowing her pizza. "Today is the day we have been waiting for!"

"For Evanz and Jessica to admit they are a thing?" Rage playfully teased, jabbing his elbow into Evanz' arm.

"I wish." Morgan replied. "No. Today is Trust Day!!"

At first all Morgan received was blank stares from the other six who were munching on their respective breakfasts.

Eventually they processed what she said, Fluke being the first.

"YES- wait... How are we going to do this? There is only one bender in each water and air..." Fluke said.

"How about we have a group trust exercise?" Richelle suggested.

"How can we do that?" Hollow asked.

"We can take them out of the facility, to like a park or something, and have certain real life tests." Evanz said.

"AMUSEMENT PARK!!!" Jessica shouted, downing her cup of milk in record speeds.

"But we can't show off their bending to the real world, and the trust exercises are meant to not only gain trust, but to improve their bending." Hollow replied.

It was at this moment when Rage's face lit up with an idea.

"I remember overhearing Greg telling Fred that there is an amusement built just for benders. If I recall correctly... it should be on an island just a ways off of Australia." Rage said, explaining his idea.

"This could actually work." Richelle mumbled, for once agreeing with Rage on something.

"And it's even better because we get a vacation as well." Morgan said, her eyes glowing with excitement.

"Let's go wake our students up shall we?" Fluke happily asked.

"Wait, some of us will have to get the pilot, so they can take us there and back." Evanz said before everyone could disperse from the table.

"Then let's get him and get this trip going!"

Evanz sighed as he watched everyone make a mad dash to wake up their students. He made his way to tell the pilot on the island that they would need to be leaving soon.

Meanwhile back with the students, most of them were up. Lily being excited to start the day, made her way out of the dorm to check the bulletin board for the daily activity. She continuously scanned the board for anything new, but she couldn't find any new notes. Figuring the trainers just forgot, Lily wandered back inside the dorm.

When she entered she saw Christine making some pancakes. But just not any ordinary pancakes, Christine's specially designed pancakes.

"What's the theme today?" Lily asked, sitting at the table.

"Elements." Christine said flipping her water emblem pancake over. "Yours is already done if you want it."

"You don't have to tell me twice!"

Four Elements One CrewOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora