Chapter 1: Three versus Two

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As Rage and Fluke got off the plane, they stretched their legs.

"Okay... so, we're in Cebu?" Fluke questioned aloud.

"Erm... Yes." Rage replied as he looked through the stack of envelope contents.

"Cool. So, where do you think we'll find these people?"

"I have no idea. I was kinda hoping you knew. But since you don't, I guess that means we are going to wander around until we find a group of three people who are bending."

And with that, the two guys began to roam the streets of Cebu. After about an hour of walking, Rage began to complain, and Fluke suggested that they head to a diner or something. Rage quickly agreed, because he was really tired of all the walking around.

As the two walked up a hill, they finally arrived at a cozy café by the cliff side. They then quickly entered the building and went to find some seats.

The café was practically empty. There was only one customer in a booth by herself, and the employees. Rage began to make his way to a table for two, while Fluke had other ideas.

Rage watched in horror as his friend walked over to the lone girl.

"Hello." Fluke said in a very polite tone. "My name is Will."

The purple haired girl sitting at the table, said nothing to Fluke, but instead she moved closer to the wall. Fluke saw this as a gesture of "Go ahead and sit down," and sat down was exactly what he did. The girl then proceeded to move even closer to the wall, and had a look of almost absolute terror.

At this time, Rage could no longer watch his friend freak the girl out even more, so he made his way to his seat, and waited for Fluke to get the hint to leave her alone. As Rage sat down, two more people entered the café.

Once they made eye contact with Fluke sitting by the girl, they began to panic. Because what Fluke didn't know, was that the two people that came in were close friends with the purple haired girl. And she was quite shy.

The guy, with black hair began to walk over to Fluke and the girl. As he walked, he winked at the brown haired girl with headphones, who came in with him. It was clear he had a plan, and she knew pretty well what it was going to be. To act his way through.

The guy made his way over to Fluke, and he began to talk. "Excuse me sir. But um, you're in my seat."

"Oh! I'm sorry! I didn't think anyone was sitting with her. She was alone and I wanted to make sure she wasn't too lonely." Fluke apologized, and quickly got out of the seat.

The guy then sat down where Fluke was previously sitting. Fluke noticed that he looked at the girl and she gave him a slight nod. It was then he put his arm around her, and glared at Fluke ever so slightly.

Fluke was then standing there in slight confusion. And as he stood, the girl with headphones walked over to him, and pulled him away from the other two.

"You may want to sit with the other guy over there." She told him in a hushed tone, with a smirk.

So Fluke made his way over to Rage, and sat down beside him. Rage snickered at Fluke's awkward encounter and they searched the menu for some food.

Once Fluke sat down, with his back turned to the group, that very group began conversing in quiet voices.

"That guy was weird... You okay Christine?" The brown haired girl asked the purple haired one.

"Yeah..." Christine replied. "It was just really confusing that he just decided to sit down."

"Heh. I wouldn't worry about him. Oh, and I'm glad you played along with being my girlfriend." The guy said, as he looked up from the book he removed from the bag he brought with him. "How about we have a little fun?"

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