Chapter 9: The Aftermath

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The day after Reese's demise, the trainers were discussing what they should do, especially now that they know the BITD is willing to do whatever it takes to get what they want.

As Evanz was walking to the meeting in the Mess Hall, he stumbled upon a very confused and worried Charlie.

"Evanz! I'm glad I found you! Have you seen Reese anywhere?" Charlie asked, sounding hopeful that yesterday's event was just a dream.

"Oh-Um-No... " Evanz replied, not knowing exactly what to say to the poor kid.

Charlie just nodded, and ran off to find someone else who might know. Evanz had to stand there for a brief amount of time to gather his thoughts. His thoughts of debating whether or not to tell Charlie what happened.

As he was standing there, the other trainers, no longer waiting for him to show up, began their discussion.

"Okay, so what's going to happen now?" Hollow asked, starting the discussion.

"I have no idea.. This has never happened before.. Do we just close the facility down?" Morgan replied.

"We can't do that! We have to stop the BITD!" Rage shouted.

"But we just let a minor get killed." Jessica muttered.

"He's a MINOR?!" Everyone loudly questioned.

"Oh.. Yeah.. I may have forgotten to tell you... While I'm telling you things, no one signed their papers.... I burnt them all..."

"So we essentially kidnapped two teens, and ended up getting one killed?" Fluke asked, sounding very worried.

"Well, no. I forced them to call someone to get permission, as we were boarding the plane. So someone knows they are here."

"Oh well that makes everything better." Hollow sighed.

It was at this time when Charlie entered the Mess Hall, after hearing people in there.

"Hey guys! Have any of you seen Reese, I haven't seen him since yesterday, when I was knocked out at training." Charlie asked.

The others looked at the poor boy with defeated expressions. None of them wanted to tell him the truth, but eventually Morgan was the first one to speak up.

"Charlie..." She began. "You didn't pass out yesterday because of training.. Rather it was blood.."

"Wait. Yesterday was a dream right?!" Charlie said, tears brimming his eyes. "Please tell me that's what it was!!"

"We're sorry, but yesterday was all too real..." Fluke solemnly replied.

"No. NO! Reese isn't dead! This is just one of his pranks!!" Charlie retaliated, hyperventilating slightly.

"Charlie-" Hollow began to say, but was cut off by Charlie.

"Don't you Charlie me! My best friend is dead! ....Now can I at least get to see him..?"

The trainers nodded, and lead him to the infirmary where Reese currently was.

Upon seeing Reese just laying there, Charlie ran over and started sobbing uncontrollably. Eventually, he stopped crying for a brief moment to hand his phone over to Jessica.

"Call his brother... He should be under the name Kyle.." Charlie said, his eyes pleading her to do it.

Jessica awkwardly nodded, knowing that she was the only one who may be able to control her emotions for the conversation.

"I would tell you to call his parents... But his dad's in jail, and no one knows where is mom is at..."

The other trainers looked at Jessica, motioning with their eyes to go ahead and call. Jessica nodded, and hit the call button. As she waited for this Kyle figure to answer, she left the room, because Charlie started crying again.

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