Chapter 2: 2v2 at the Mall

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About the same time as Rage and Fluke arrived, Jessica and Evanz also arrived at their destination. Once they got off the plane, they made their way into the city, speaking very little to one another.

"Okay... If I was with my one friend who could bend an element like me, where would I be?" Jessica mumbled to herself.

"I have no clue, but this 'Charlie and Reese' sound like a couple of guys who would like to destroy a mall." Evanz replied.

"We passed a mall earlier, let's head over there." Jessica said, marching across a street towards the very large building.

And with that, the two made their way back to the mall. Once they arrived, they both stood in the parking lot, contemplating what they should do.

"How are we going to convince them to go with us? Since, oh, I don't know, you caught fire to the envelope!!" Evanz said, with a hint of annoyance in his voice.

"Well, when Fred came and got us, he was disguised as a cop. So we could do that. But probably not a cop though, it wouldn't blend in." Jessica replied. "But I can't come up with anything, so whatever you got, we can do that."

Evanz looked over at Jessica, and sighed, "I have a plan, and disguise in mind... but you aren't going to like it..." He then mumbled, "And I'm not going to either."

"Well, since I got nothing, it's better than my plan."

Evanz then sighed once again, and quickly grabbed Jessica's hand.

"What the?!" Jessica shouted, trying to retract her arm.

"This is the plan! I don't like it either, but if we want to blend in, this is the best we are going to get in a mall!" Evanz quickly replied. "No one will have to know we are faking a relationship."

Jessica just sighed, and relaxed her arm. She then said, "No one back at the facility will hear about this."

"Yeah." Evanz simply replied, and the "couple" made their way into the mall.

Once they entered the mall, they looked around a the abundance of space, people, and stores. Jessica, upon instinct, walked over to the map, and tried to find a store that she liked. Evanz on the other hand, checked his wallet, and pulled out a credit card, the facility credit card.

"Evanz! We have to go here!!" Jessica shouted, pointing to the map.

"Fine, but we should refrain ourselves from buying a whole place. So how about we have about 150 each." Evanz said, putting the card back and making his way over to Jessica.

"Sweet!! Let's go!!" Jessica said, instantly walking towards the store which she wanted to go to.

Evanz sighed an followed, as they were walking, Evanz began to speak again.

"As we are shopping, make sure you keep a close eye out for two people who will probably start bending."

"Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. I got it. YES! Here it is!!" Jessica announced.

Evanz looked at the store name, and sighed.

Hot Topic...

Jessica instantly made her way into the store. She then went over to the anime/video game section. And since it was clear she wasn't going to watch out for the two benders, Evanz was going to have to.

So Evanz made his way to the back of the store, and began scanning every person very carefully. He figured that since he was the Avatar, he was going to have an easy time with finding benders. But he was having little luck.

After only about five minutes, Jessica made her way over to Evanz, holding a blanket, several t-shirts, and a belt. Without saying anything, she handed all the items over to him.

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